With 14 years of experience and a track record of assisting thousands, I can educate you on how to lower your PSA levels and manage your particular situation regardless of your present condition. It will require total dedication and vigilance to established protocols. There are no quick fixes or cures unfortunately. Only management will save you priceless aggravation, worry and preserve your quality of life. There is no reason to worry about Prostate Cancer progession if you educate yourself and act accordingly. For further information or to discuss your concerns,
Call or text me.No purchase is required. I will help you and if I can't, I will tell you what or who will. Vincent 970-275-0332
"BEAR IN MIND THE KEY FACT": Elevated Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) levels in the presence of cancer rely on androgenic stimulation. It is important to recognize that reducing PSA levels with over-the-counter supplements is ineffective without inhibiting androgen activity. PCSPES, a supplement comprising 8 specific Chinese herbs, uniquely suppresses Dihydrotestosterone, a key factor in prostate cancer progression. This formulation has been effective since 1996 and now boasts a stronger and purer composition. -Dr Gerald Chodak /2017
Great latest testimonials. Nothing makes me happier than receiving these and passing them on to you....
-Frank Anders 77- I did Xtandi and Lupron and was hoping for the cure. I had some durable remission maybe 5 months and plan to rechallenge after chemo or immunotherapy. I tried three months of 8 pills per day and my PSA dropped 50%. Docs say to just keep doing what i'm doing and that sometimes natural supplements interact in a positive way.
-Jeff Hancock 68- I stopped Lupron January 2021 after the terrible side effects. I April 2021 my PSA was 0.19 and T < 20. On November 2021 my PSA has increased to 6.9 and T is 170. Bone scan is clear, CT shows all pelvic and abdominal lymph nodes avid in PET/CT scan are normal size. I started with 9 pills of PCSPES 3 times per day and for about 6 months PSA is holding steady at .97
-Warren Graham 69-• Prostate Surgery May 2021,(PSA was 18.5) - last PSA – 0.48 (03/21) - PSADT 4.6 months•Time to recurrence – 1.10 @ 9 mths; 2.2 @14 mths•Pathological Gleason score – 4+3 (7)+T5 •Stage: p2Tc – PNI - (clear margins, SV, lymph nodes) After 6 months 8 pills of PCSPES per day and 4 pills of POMI10X , PSA is holding at .81 for 5 months now. No Lupron. Truly amazing results.
-Theo Devinny 68-After being diagnosed with metastatic PC about 4 years ago, my 70 year old brother passed away in a hospice house on Labor Day. He tried everything, but nothing seemed to stop his prostate cancer! While he didn’t follow this website, I would often tell him of my protocol of 8 PCSPES and 4 POMI10x per day or procedures I had read about on this site, trying to offer him hope amidst a dire prognosis. Fortunately, he never suffered from the side effects of his Docetaxel chemo, but he never really got any substantial improvement from any of his treatments either. After stopping his last infusions, he deteriorated rapidly, suffering from extreme pain, confusion, incontinence, weakness and falls. His quality of life was what impacted me. But my brother was the eternal optimist and comic but a cynic of natural therapies like PCSPES. I believe his stage 4 diagnosis could have been avoided and prolonged as it has done for me. My PSA went from 16.9 and is holding at 3.2.
-Roman Tovante 66-My urologist told me I was beyond surgery and into CRPC .. A year later he told me I may have to remove my testicles .
The problem is I wanted to trust my life to my doctor. Turns out I was able to lower my PSA from 31 to 4.5 now for 2 years using PCSPES and POMI10x. I take everything my doc tells me as an opinion and will always have second or even third opinions from now on.
Having observed the recurrence of a distressingly familiar narrative for over a decade, I've decided to share this guidance here, to spare individuals from repetitive interruptions. Following a Digital Rectal Examination (DRE), an assessment reveals an enlarged prostate, with one lobe exhibiting fibrous characteristics. Elevated PSA levels suggest a potential presence of Prostate Cancer, at this juncture, PSA reduction is not the primary focus. A biopsy is recommended, alongside additional diagnostics like MRI, PET Scan, CT Bone Scan, and PSMA, to ascertain the absence of extracapsular spread.
Post-biopsy, if the results are negative, it's an optimistic outcome. However, if positive, the hope is for a low Gleason score. A Gleason score exceeding six necessitates prompt intervention—Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT), Lupron, Surgery, Radiation of the Capsule bed, Standard 42-treatment Radiation, Seeds, Chemo, or a combination thereof. Physicians caution about accepting a compromised quality of life, emphasizing the potential consequences of not proceeding with the recommended interventions.
Within as little as two months to 1-5 years post-surgery or radiation, a resurgence in PSA often occurs. Hormone therapies like "LUPRON" exhibit limited efficacy, typically ceasing effectiveness after 18-24 months, leading to castration-resistant cancer. Exhaustion of treatment options follows, with subsequent monitoring of PSA becoming the focal point of medical attention.
This pattern is a consistent narrative, known to many for over a decade, and it persists. If any aspect of this scenario resonates with your experience, I encourage you to reach out to Vincent. He can and will help you on this important journey.
"Every life has a beginning and an ending. It's only what you get to do in between that counts".
1. How PC-SPES Suppresses Androgen Activity
PC-SPES, with its eight Chinese herbal ingredients, works through multiple natural anti-androgenic mechanisms, including:
✔ Direct inhibition of androgen receptors (e.g., Baikal skullcap, licorice root).
✔ Estrogenic activity, naturally depriving the specific PCa testosterone production.
✔ Anti-inflammatory and apoptotic effects, making prostate cancer cells less aggressive.
By consistently taking PC-SPES, your body maintains these anti-androgenic effects, keeping the cancer cells sensitive to suppression.
2. Why Stopping PC-SPES (or Any Anti-Androgen Therapy) Can Close Pathways
When you stop an androgen suppression protocol, the body compensates in several ways:
A. Upregulation of Androgen Receptors (AR)
Prostate cancer cells adapt by increasing the number of androgen receptors when deprived of androgens.
This makes them more hypersensitive to even low levels of testosterone.
When you restart suppression, it may take time for the AR expression to normalize, reducing immediate efficacy.
B. Androgen Receptor Mutations
If suppression is inconsistent, some cancer cells mutate their androgen receptors, making them:
More resistant to future anti-androgen therapies.
Able to activate with even low testosterone or alternative steroids.
Less responsive to therapies that previously worked.
C. Reactivation of Androgen Synthesis in Cancer Cells
Long-term suppression can lead to cancer cells producing their own androgens (intratumoral androgen synthesis).
If suppression is stopped, this pathway may strengthen, making future hormone blockade less effective.
3. Medical Explanation of "Keeping the Pathways Open"
✔ By maintaining PC-SPES (or other anti-androgen therapy), you prevent the compensatory increase in androgen receptors and mutations.
✔ Consistent suppression stops cancer cells from developing resistance mechanisms like intratumoral androgen synthesis.
✔ Sudden withdrawal and restarting later makes suppression less effective because the cancer cells may have adapted.
4. Practical Takeaway
Don’t stop PC-SPES or anti-androgen therapy abruptly unless necessary.
If switching treatments, overlap them slightly to maintain suppression.
Monitor PSA trends carefully—if PSA starts rising quickly after stopping, it may indicate reactivation of pathways.
1/13/2025 My turn today. CT Bone Scan. Hopefully this one is good but one always is concerned one of these times it won't be. That's how I live my life. On my own terms until I find out otherwise. STAY STRONG
2/1/25 All went well. Clear Scan which is fantstic. Proves protocols are working going on 14 years now.
2/7/25- My testing once again is progressing well with the protocol. I will be posting the results soon. I would not be able to recommend anything to anyone if I did not experience the results living in this journey with all of you.
Every year I do a trial on myself and have done so for 13 years since my Prostate Cancer diagnosis. I do this to illustrate just how important staying on the PCSPES protocol is the key. What I do is get off the supplement for 30-45 days just to see how far my PSA will rise if I stop taking it.Throughout the year the PSA has risen to at about 10% more than the previous high which is common with this disease. After stopping it in April, in May it had risen to an all time high of 10.47. After hitting hard with the protocol once again, I was blown away with the LOWEST count in 13 years, 2.71 My Doctors are speechless. The proves once gain that staying vigilant and adhering to protocols is the key to success.
Feel free to reach out to me for genuine assistance. If I'm unable to provide the help you require, I'll guide you to the right resources and individuals as I have thousands. Stay Strong, Vincent- PCSPES
-Original 8 item formula as 30 years ago.
-More potency.
-Smaller pills easier to swallow.
-More effective as results are proving.
-Better absorption.
Original SUPER POMI 10X
-Original 3 pill formula.
-Much more powerful and effective.
-Easier to swallow.
-Much better absorption.
-Ultra absorption and potency.
Achieve natural and safe management of your PSA levels, just as I and numerous others worldwide have successfully done. The consistently remarkable testimonials are a testament to the effectiveness of these specially formulated products. Stop investing in solutions that solely address urination issues and overlook the "Elephant in the room."
Chapters featured in "The Herbal Remedy for Prostate Cancer" have broad applications to prostate cancer. James Lewis, Jr., Ph.D. provides a thought provoking and stimulating dialogue that will empower you to give consideration to PCSPES for treating prostate cancer before considering any other conventional or complementary treatment.
This book includes in-depth coverage of: * Proper procedure for undergoing PCSPES * How to establish a pre- and post-therapy baseline * Possible side-effects and remedies * How to check for apoptosis * What other treatments are available that work with PCSPES * How to establish a disease prevention program
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by cells in your prostate gland.[1] A PSA test measures PSA levels in blood, and normal results should be under 4.0 ng/mL. PSA levels above this threshold should be investigated because it may indicate prostate cancer, although other factors that might increase PSA levels include: an enlarged or inflamed prostate gland, urinary tract infection, recent ejaculation, taking testosterone, older age and even riding a bicycle.[2] Lowering PSA levels can be done naturally and with medical treatment.
Avoid foods that trigger higher PSA levels. Certain foods seem to affect the prostate gland negatively and increase blood levels of PSA. More specifically, diets rich in dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt) and animal fat (meat, lard, butter) have been linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer.[3] Therefore, switching to a healthy diet that's low in saturated fat and high in antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables can reduce your risk of prostate cancer and lower PSA levels.
Dairy products seem to trigger higher levels of an insulin-like growth factor, which has been connected to high PSA levels and poor prostate health.
Other foods to avoid include sugar, saturated fats, fried foods, eggs, potatoes that are not organic, alcohol, and foods from cans with BPA lining.
When you eat meat, opt for lower-fat varieties such as turkey and chicken. Low-fat diets may also be connected to improved prostate health overall and reduce the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement).
Substitute fish for meat more often. Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, herring) are rich in omega-3 fats, which have been linked to a reduced risk of prostate cancer.
Dark blue/purple berries and grapes, as well as dark green veggies, tend to be highest in antioxidants, which prevent the damaging effects of oxidation on tissues, organs, and glands (such as the prostate).
Along with changing your diet, make sure to avoid exposure to environmental toxins as much as pos
Eat more tomatoes. Tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene, which is a carotenoid (plant pigment and antioxidant) that protects tissues from stress and helps them utilize energy better. Diets rich in tomatoes and tomato products (such as tomato sauces and pastes) are linked to lower risks of prostate cancer and contribute to reducing PSA levels circulating in the blood.[4] Lycopene appears to be more bioavailable (easier for the body to absorb and utilize) when tomatoes are cooked such as when it's in processed products like tomato paste and tomato puree.
Some research indicates that more lycopene may be bioavailable from diced tomatoes cooked with olive oil than those cooked without.
Although the main source of lycopene in the American diet is tomato-based products, other sources include apricots, guavas, and watermelons.[5]
If you cannot eat or don't like tomatoes, you can still get the PSA-reducing benefit of lycopene by taking a 4 mg supplement daily.
Drink pomegranate juice. Natural pomegranate juice contains many healthy compounds, some of which positively impact the prostate gland and keep PSA levels low.[6] For example, the seeds, flesh and peels from pomegranates contain powerful antioxidants such as flavonoids, phenolics, and anthocyanins. These phytochemicals are believed to hinder the growth of cancer cells and slow down PSA from accumulating in the blood. Pomegranate juice is also a good source of vitamin C, which stimulates the immune system and allows the body to repair its tissues — both of which positively impact PSA levels.
Try to drink a glass of pomegranate juice each day. If pure pomegranate juice does not appeal to you (too sour), look for a sweeter juice blend that contains pomegranate in it.
Select the most natural and pure pomegranate products. Processing tends to destroy phytochemicals and vitamin C.
Pomegranate extract is also available in capsules and can be taken as a daily dietary supplement.
Consider supplementing with Pomi-T or the better Super POMI 10X. Pomi10x is a commercially available dietary supplement that contains raw powdered pomegranate, broccoli, green tea, and turmeric. Research in 2013 concluded that Pomi10x significantly lowers PSA levels in patients with prostate cancer.[7] Each of the ingredients are strong antioxidants and have anti-cancer properties, but when they're combined there seems to be a synergistic effect that boosts effectiveness.[8]The research was based on men with prostate cancer taking the supplement for six months. They found that Pomi10x is well tolerated and not thought to cause any negative side effects.
Broccoli is a cruciferous veggie high in sulfur-based compounds, which fight cancer and combat oxidative damage in tissues. The more you cook broccoli, the less beneficial it becomes, so stick with raw varieties.
Green tea contains catechins, which are antioxidants that can help kill cancer cells while dropping PSA levels in the blood. If you make a cup of green tea, don't use scalding water because it will reduce some of its antioxidant strength.
Turmeric is a strong anti-inflammatory that contains curcumin — the component responsible for lowering PSA levels by restricting the spread of prostate cancer cells.
Try supplementing with PCSPES. PCSPES (which means "hope for prostate cancer") is a dietary supplement made from the extracts of eight different Chinese herbs. It's been around for many years and commercially available at most health food stores. Research done in 2000 concluded that PC-SPES can significantly reduce PSA levels in men with advanced prostate disease.[9]Researchers believe that PCSPES acts somewhat like estrogen (the main female hormone) by lowering testosterone levels in men, which shrinks the prostate and reduces PSA levels.
All the men studied who took PCSPES for two years (nine capsules daily) had their PSA levels drop by 80% or more, and the decline lasted for over a year after they stopped the supplements.
PC-SPES is a mixture of Baikal skullcap, chrysanthemum flowers, Reishi mushrooms, isatis, licorice root, ginseng root (Panax ginseng), rabdosia rubescens and saw palmetto berries.[10]
"Click" below to buy now. You'll have a valuable option to save 20% when using an Echeck in an effort to keep you in touch with me to insure your progress in this journey of ours.
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For the past decade, PCSPES has been our registered trademark, officially approved by the U.S. Government. It is important to clarify that PCSPES is entirely unrelated to the previous product, PC-Spes, produced by "Botanical Labs," which was discontinued and removed from the market in the late 90s and early 2002.
Experience the remarkable efficacy of PCSPES and SUPER POMI10x, proudly created in the USA. These formulas, composed of 100% pure natural ingredients, are bringing about transformative changes for thousands. Operating in a unique and harmonious manner, they complement conventional treatments, supported by numerous testimonials. Our unwavering commitment to excellence propels continuous enhancements for increased potency. Tailored to alleviate symptoms and lower PSA levels, these unparalleled supplements distinguish themselves through their entirely natural composition. Unlike other products that fall short, the key lies in the consistent use of PCSPES and POMI10x. This has held true for over two decades, with the proven results speaking for themselves.
Mark A. Moyad, MD, MPH is arguably one of the world’s leading medical experts on diet and dietary supplements.
Supplements for Men With Prostate Cancer . Some don't work and can harm you or elevate PSA. Mark A. Moyad, MD, MPH
When it comes to dietary supplements, less is more. Mega-doses suggest a worse outcome or prognosis in patients with cancer.
B12 may be needed if blood tests show a deficiency. ExcessB vitamins may promote heart disease and cancer growth. Researchers have not found that Vitamin C helps prevent or treat prostate cancer. For Vitamin D, I generally recommend 1,000 IU daily if the level is below normal. Men with prostate cancer should not take an individual Vitamin E supplement. Higher doses of Multivitamin pills may feed prostate tumors. Taking a children’s multivitamin several times a week, not to exceed one pill a day, makes more sense. Folic acid and Zinc in higher amounts have been associated with a higher risk of aggressive prostate cancer in human studies.
Fish Oil (Omega-3 fatty acids)
Pills containing EPA and DHA may reduce the risk of cardiovascular events and may have anti-arthritic and anti-depressive properties. Some new research suggests it could encourage the growth of some prostate cancers.
500-1,000 mg per day may reduce nausea during and after chemotherapy.
Korean Red Ginseng, MACA, L-arginine, L-citrulline and American Ginseng ACTUALLY CAN RAISE TESTOSTERONE AN PSA.
Preliminary data shows they improve sexual health. Panax ginseng may help reduce fatigue in cancer patients. American ginseng from the Ginseng Board of Wisconsin is arguably the safest, least expensive, and most effective option for fatigue.
Glucosamine, Pycnogenol, SAM-e, Lycopene and Resveratrol
Show no evidence of anti-prostate cancer activity. The few studies published to date are inconclusive and controversial.
It has been used with some success in chronic nonbacterial prostatitis.
Saw Palmetto & Other BPH Supplements
In two major clinical trials, the most commonly used dosage was safe but did not work better than a placebo.
Supplements may increase the risk of aggressive prostate cancer!
Tea and Tea Supplements
Most forms of tea, including black, green, herbal, and oolong are healthy and have few or no calories, so enjoy drinking them. However, please keep in mind that tea-based dietary supplements or pills (not the drink) have no solid proof from human studies that they do anything against prostate cancer. A large clinical trial of high-dose green tea supplements in patients with advanced cancer showed no real benefit.
Whey Protein or Protein Powder
This can be taken as a powdered drink supplement (never as a pill) for any man needing more high-quality protein for health, weight loss and to support muscle health.
Zinc supplements in high dosages, 80 to 100 mg per day or more, should be avoided. Recent human research has linked higher doses of zinc from dietary supplements to abnormal immune changes, a potential reduction in the impact of bone-building drugs, abnormal changes in cholesterol blood tests, increased risk of urinary tract infections, kidney stones, prostate enlargement, and an increased risk of aggressive prostate cancer.
Marijuana Cures Everything, Dude?!
Do I think it’s possible that marijuana or one of its compounds can fight cancer or encourage the growth of cancer? Yes! But at this point, we have no conclusive evidence one way or the other.
Final Thoughts
It is always advisable to talk to your doctor about any pill or supplement. Use the same approach to taking a dietary supplement as you would use for starting a prescription medication.
VITAL INFORMATION: Herbal remedies have consistently drawn interest from patients. Frequently employed in their natural or minimally modified forms, many view them as a pure, safe, and sensible alternative to conventional treatments that may carry higher toxicity risks. Around 25% of prescription medications are sourced from plants, even encompassing certain chemotherapy drugs that may have toxic properties. What is most important to remember is that you have to take enough of the natural supplements to get any benefits whatsoever. Remember there is nothing natural about Cancer as it reinvents itself to resist what we throw at it. When it comes to managing it, don't think you can "Put out a fire with a squirtgun." It requires full dedication in this journey.
Connect with me for Prostate Cancer evaluation and questions – Call or Text 970-275-0332 (Vincent). I'm the exclusive point of contact for live conversations on this vital topic. Why rely on reading alone when you can speak with a dedicated advocate and fellow survivor? Don't place trust in products without the ability to engage in a conversation about them. This platform welcomes the strong, rebellious, and brave – Not the Hopeless or easily misguided. I'm proud to have contributed to saving lives, including my own. Doubters and critics Are encouraged to seek guidance from their own doctors, as this site is dedicated to those who appreciate and benefit from my Support in managing Prostate Cancer.
"Vincent, I am truly impressed with what you have done for yourself and for others at a natural level." Thank You Dr. King UCLA for helping all of us by answering my questions and our concerns. Thank you to all the doctors recently that are cooperating and helping in implementing this alternative with your expertise. Thank you for saving and prolonging the quality of our lives. VT
The New War on Cancer, Dr. Chris King (Now retired) -- The UCLA Department of Radiation Oncology is one of the first centers in the nation to offer SBRT for prostate cancer. Dr. Chris King is one of the leading experts in SBRT for prostate cancer at UCLA. Men with localized disease can now complete radiation in just two weeks, with no surgery. Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) delivers high doses of radiation to targeted areas in just five sessions on alternate days. He is a genius among radiation Oncologists and helped save my life.
PC SPES current testimonials updated frequently as they come in.
63 years old 2022
Life is Good. So Thankful
Update as of 2/06/25:
If you are new to this journey please read all the information found here on the website as it contains valuable information. After doing so, I invite you to reach out by phone to discuss the challenges you are facing. Understanding your situation allows me to provide personalized options and courses of action. It's crucial never to purchase a product for this journey without the guidance of someone who comprehends Prostate Cancer, understands its impact, and lives with it. Having that conversation can significantly influence the results you achieve, and I am here to offer my assistance.
The landscape of Prostate Cancer treatments is rapidly evolving, and staying ahead is paramount, given that your life and its quality are at stake. Consider subscribing to our newsletters at checkout to stay informed with the latest bulletins and essential information.
PCSPES and POMI10X continue to contribute to the well-being of myself and thousands of others, keeping us out of the "Worry Mills." I appreciate your patience with the delays in calls and emails, as I have recently been inundated with inquiries from individuals seeking advice on this ongoing journey.
When it becomes time once again, I will have to get in the same line as you. Another PSA test and ongoing saga. A time when most all others sit with worry and concern. If PSA has risen. It will be time to up the dosage from maintenence to active involvement. A situation that most urologists would tell me I have to do LUPRON, ZYTIGA or both, and possibly XTANDI and ORGOVYX. Thank God for the knowledge to know "I got this." The results will be epic with no sacrificing to my quality of life and the blessing of living on. My goal is dropping my PSA to under 3.0 in less than 30 days and holding it there for another 4 months. A feat that most medical professionals will say is impossible. You who follow me have seen my results for 13 years now, I have the confidence not to worry. Stay tuned for the ongoing saga. Thank you.
I strongly encourage you to watch and listen to Dr. Scholtz's video on Prostate Cancer above and consider subscribing to his channel. Dr. Scholtz played a crucial role in saving my life, and his insights offer hope to all of us navigating this challenging path. A sincere thank you to all physicians who recommend the use of PCSPES and Super Pomi10x in conjunction with medicinal protocols.
Warmest greetings to those who are visiting this site for the first time and to the new individuals I've had the pleasure of speaking with this week. I strongly advise reading through this site multiple times, as it holds a wealth of information and knowledge. Educating yourself on this subject is the key to prevailing, as countless individuals have done. Stay strong, my friends. Please don't hesitate to reach out and call me anytime. Your input is always valued as I continue to share knowledge and hope with others. Feel free to contact me at 970-275-0332. - Vincent.
Recently, some individuals whom I've guided through this journey have embarked on "Lone Wolf" approaches, deviating from PCSPES protocols and experimenting with their own ideas on Prostate Cancer and supplements. Some have opted for alternative remedies such as Birm, Essiac tea, Shark Cartilage, Prunus domestica, Black ginger root, and marijuana. I strongly urge you to recognize that each person's situation is unique, and my knowledge stems from over 20 years of experience, collaborating with numerous great doctors and engaging with thousands who share insights into our ongoing crisis daily.
These "Lone Wolf" approaches typically lead to unfortunate outcomes, resulting in heightened stress for both you and me. Instead, I encourage you to place emphasis on educating yourself about your condition and available treatments.
In a poignant manner, it's unfortunate that sometimes we only grasp the importance of things after they're gone or no longer present. I am committed to advocating for the health and well-being of all, striving to offer valuable protocols, even in the face of pressure from influential entities. As a solitary individual, I am endeavoring to make a positive impact in as many lives as possible. It's crucial to acknowledge that there is no outright "CURE" for Prostate Cancer; rather, the focus is on effective management. - Vincent.
Let's pause for a moment to honor and remember those we lost in the year 2024. The pain is profound when I lose a friend with whom I've been engaged in conversation and offering assistance. All these individuals succumbed to CRPC (Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer), leaving both them and their families equally frustrated, having exhausted all available options. May their souls rest in peace, and may their families find solace under God's protection. This sobering reality could befall any one of us, emphasizing the significance of informed choices and the trust we place in our doctors and advocates.
-Armando G 79 Orgovyx, Xtandi- Alvin H 57 Lupron, Zytiga-Taxotere -Giovanni R 72 Orgovyx, Docetaxel, LU177- Frank F 66 Firmagon, Xtandi, Docetaxel-Jimmy J 75 Daralutimide, Lupron-Seppy S 74 Lupron, Xtandi, Docetaxel, LU177-Josef K 72 Lupron, Orgovyx, Taxotere -Aurelio M 77- Lupron, Zytiga, Docetaxel- We could have done so much more had we had acted earlier or stayed on course. I will miss talking to you and will always admire your courage. You will never be forgotten.
In the realm of my "Prostate Cancer journey," I aspire for this year to be one of the most impactful in terms of assisting others and consistently overseeing not only my own health but also that of others. The continuous influx of knowledge and triumphs fuels my commitment. A warm welcome to all the new individuals just discovering my presence. I hope that collectively, we can share in the transformative experience that has significantly changed the lives of some exceptional individuals.
Individuals who deviate from prescribed protocols are usually doing so out of negligence. I recently experienced this myself, resulting in undue stress and concern due to an increase in my own PSA levels. Consistently adhering to these protocols and maintaining the correct dosage is of utmost importance. Any interruptions or incorrect dosages can have a DRAMATIC impact on the results, particularly since tolerance to these natural supplements isn't developed. The consequences of cancer spreading can lead to significantly increased financial costs and emotional distress compared to the benefits of sticking to the prescribed protocols.
PCSPES is proving effective, and so is Super POMI10X. I am dedicated to preserving and enhancing the quality of life for many, including myself. Nothing naturally lowers PSA better—period. There's no greater satisfaction than knowing I've made a positive impact in someone else's life. Congratulations to the most recent success stories, which are authentic and directly shared by individuals themselves. The testimonials now come straight from the source, offering a genuine account of their experiences with the all-new POMI 10x. These discoveries are truly remarkable, evident in the incredible successes we witness each month. I take pride in sharing these inspiring stories with you.
My Disclaimer
PCSPES / POMI10x Supplements
Please be advised that most dietary supplements are not evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary and are contingent upon adherence to the recommended protocols, starting health status, personal goals, and the level of effort applied. To achieve optimal results, regular exercise and a proper diet are essential, as is strict adherence to dosage instructions.
The testimonials presented on this website may involve individuals who used more than one supplement or in conjunction with prescribed medications, as I personally do, in order to achieve the best possible outcomes. If you have any doubts or concerns regarding any information provided, you are strongly encouraged to consult a qualified healthcare professional before making any purchasing decisions.
The content on this website is provided strictly for informational purposes to assist others. It is not intended to diagnose any medical condition, substitute for the advice of a healthcare professional, or offer medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I am simply sharing my personal experiences and those of others to educate and empower you to make informed decisions about maintaining your quality of life.
"Click here to see what some guys are going through. These guys have to be the toughest on the planet."
Hello to all of you out there fighting Prostate Cancer. I wanted to wait until after Christmas before updating my readers about my continued success with Prostate Cancer. I tried something different this past power treatment I do. For those of you who are reading for the first time. My routine is 6-PC-SPES a day for 8 weeks. The next day after the 8-weeks of my maintenance, I intake 8 PC-SPES plus one of the medicines that work with it, and do a 14 day intake with 15th day taking a PSA. That 'was' my schedule. I made a change prior to the Sept. 24th test. I dropped my days to 12 and low and behold my PSA was 0.54. So this latest power treatment phase, I dropped it to 8 days. My PSA was 1.61. Jumped a little over a point. I waited 4 days and began an 8 additional day power-treatment and took a test on Dec. 16th going back down to 0.54. I will stay at 12 days every 8 weeks or 2 months. The problem I am seeing is some of you are going the cheaper route and trying to take just the medicines themselves, thinking you can eliminate the PC-SPES. Here is what can happen. By eliminating the natural pathway that PC-SPES provides, you take away the buffer of a this element that slows your PC. Staying on a constant every day treatment is only going to cause you to have to go to a stronger method of treatment sooner. I have been successful for almost 15 years with using PC-SPES as a good buffer with certain items, but I can tell you the majority of my treatment is PC-SPES with no cutting corners. My routine will stay the same until I am trying something new. The choice is always yours. The fight is always yours. There are formulas out there, and the ones that work, all contain PC-SPES as one of the ingredients. I know a lot of people can't afford it. Like I said the choice is yours. We all know what the end result is if Prostate Cancer wins. Be smart. Until next time, fight hard and win. JR Robinson Illinois
Prostate Cancer Grade Groups
Gleason Score
Grade Group
Risk Group
Less than 6
Low/very low
7 (3+4)
7 (4+3)
Very high
Your Gleason score tells your care team quite a bit, including:
Whether cancer is present in your prostate
How quickly it is growing
How likely it may be to spread to other parts of your body
Today 11/27/19 would have been Tony’s 55th birthday. Last year we celebrated in Hawaii, the year before in Fiji. I can’t tell you how I miss him.
The sadness never ends, but it diminishes with time. It’s a passage, not a place to stay. Sadness is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith... it is the price of love. Those who love deeply, grieve deeply. He just wanted to believe his doctors and looked no further. If only he had.
It’s amazing how energetic he was only last year during this time. I had just about everyone including family burnout on our las trip together. He was up and ready to go. When we called the children he said, “your mother is acting like she is the one with cancer.” It’s hard to believe he is not here.
I will never forget the moment his heart stopped and mine kept beating, I will hold that memory forever in the depth of my heart.
Tony would say to his fellow sufferers on your site : “Hold your head up.” He would want you to take great care of your health, to keep hope alive and fight for life. He would want you to live and love and laugh.
Thank you all for the knowledge and support you gave us four months before his death. Lupron CRPC is the worst. I only wish I had found you earlier. Marisol D.
This is todays story...
This is the alternative most guys are scared into:
Vincent, I've written about my reactions to ADT so I hope you put it on your site and share it with others.
. Despite what I had read in preparation (read "Androgen Deprivation Therapy: An Essential Guide for Prostate Cancer Patients and their Loved Ones"), I had no idea of how I'd react. I feel like a poster child for the side effects of ADT. Lucky me. Firmagon for 1 month and then three 3 mo injections of Lupron/Eligard. Brutal crap.In no particular order: wt gain (yep, as one article said, "you'll feel like - and may look like - a tub of butter") in butt, gut and thighs; higher BP and more BP meds; probable bone density impact; night sweats/hot flashes about every 1.5 - 2 hrs (some intense, others momentary and shallow); genital shrinkage (I've read that testicles may actually disappear and penis may shrink 1" or more) - I now have grapes for testicles; body hair loss but increase facial and head hair (go figure); join pain (Aleve/Advil seem to help); increased frequency and urgency of urination and bowel movements; and, of course, the emotional roller coaster of emotions - depression, despair, grief (think about all of changes and the loss of function, appearance and mood), crying for no apparent reason, incredible fatigue, zero sexual appetite, and so on. All of this to "starve" but not kill the beast. Not sure I understand how that works but so be it. Despite my best efforts at wt control/diet, I've gained 10 lbs. Not pretty. Muscle mass worse.The only thing that seems to worked for me is exercise. Machines - resistance/impact - 3 days a wk; and cardio/elliptical, treadmill, bike 2-3 days a wk. I think doing this gives me some sense of control. I see no physical change in appearance as a result except I look older and tired and am 50% weaker. But, it's a small price to pay they say, I guess."Last" (god, I hope so) injection was beginning of May. Docs told me it may take 6+ mos to feel better. They were non committal about what to expect (will I lose the wt? Genitals return to pre-treatment size, etc.?).Oh, if you're sexual self needs a boost, I joined and was provided with assistance in the form of pump and pills and emotional support. I'm sorry if you ever have to go through this. Certainly it isn't anything you can be prepared for. After all of this, my PSA is now rising again.
Alfred F. 64
"Alfred, they gave it to me almost 14 years ago for only 6 months and it was horrible. Broke my Give a Damn for years. This is why I engage and pursue alternative therapy." Vincent
Numerous individuals are taking a multitude of supplements in an attempt to reduce their PSA levels, but many of these approaches are ineffective in addressing Prostate Cancer. PCSPES and POMI10x are meticulously formulated to specifically target the reduction of PSA levels, setting them apart from other options. The crucial factor, as it has always been, is ensuring you take a sufficient amount and consistently staying on these formulations. - Vincent
PSA Knockdown Pak
Years ago, comprehensive studies on PC-SPES, an 8-ingredient formula, revealed that the herbal extract slowed the growth of prostate cancer cells by hindering the assembly of specific cancer cell structures known as microtubules. Unlike other medications that function differently, PCSPES has been combined with additional medicines to enhance its effectiveness. The new formula, PCSPES, is not only pure and 100% natural but also more potent. However, it is crucial to emphasize that you must take a sufficient amount more than once a day for it to be effective. This holds true with all TCM (traditional chinese medicine). Rest assured, there is nothing harmful in this product; otherwise, I would never use it or rely on it for my life and the lives of others facing similar challenges. I am consistently working to make the products more potent while simultaneously reducing costs.
What is PC SPES? PC stands for "prostate cancer" and SPES stands for "hope", so literally it means "Prostate Cancer Hope". PC SPES contains eight Chinese herbs and was developed by Sophie Chen, PhD. Pc spes is the result of ancient wisdom and modern science. It contains saw palmetto, Licorice, reishi, Balkal Skullcap, Rabdosia, Dyer's Wood, Mum and San-qi Ginseng. PC Spes works in several ways, it improves the immune system, induces apoptosis (programmed cell death). Almost 70% of hormone refractory prostate cancer patients observed a decline of their PSA > 50% in a trial. Dosage was 6 to 9 pills 3 times a day.
Here's an article of The Prostate Cancer Exchange Newsletter : Dr. James Lewis, Jr., has researched PC SPES and reported his findings in New Guidelines for Surviving Prostate Cancer. He fervently believes that "PC SPES offers hope to thousands of prostate cancer victims, extending their lives while the battle to find a cure rages on." According to Lewis, prostate cancer patients who have become hormonal refractory and no longer respond to combination hormonal therapy (CHT) may lengthen their lives by taking PC SPES. So can patients who do not have hormonal refractory disease. Ninety percent of prostate cancer patients receiving CHT develop hormonal refractory disease. Once a patient reaches this stage, the last resort is chemotherapy which keeps him live for an average of six months to one year. Because chemotherapy kills healthy viable cells as well as cancer cells, physicians try to put off this method of treatment as long as possible. The chance of being cured for a patient with a stage C or D tumor, or with local recurrence of prostate cancer is considerably small, as the cancer cells have spread outside the prostate. At this point, the physician's goal is to keep the patient alive as long as possible with the best quality of life possible. The physician may recommend external beam radiation, seed implementation, or cryosurgery, but most patients receive CHT. Although this is not a cure, CHT can keep the patient alive for a few years because it temporarily arrests the disease. However, each individual responds to CHT differently so it is difficult to predict the patient's life expectancy. PC SPES is a patented formula which was developed through careful research by combining eight herbs which interact in a specific way. It's effectiveness is dependent on the multiple combination principle. Each herb alone would not have a significant effect on prostate cancer. Combined together in a particularized and specific formula they are effective. The eight herbs that comprise PC SPES are chrysanthemum, isatis, licorice, lucid Gandermal, pseudo-ginseng, rubescens, saw palmetto, and scute. Based on the pharmacological activities of PC SPES, the herbs are divided into five categories: immune stimulating, anti tumor, antiviral, anti inflammatory, and anti benign prostate hyperplasia. Herbal medicines which have been used for thousands of years, are currently getting a great deal of attention from physicians and researchers. Studies have shown that the immune system is very responsive to herbs. Herbs strengthen immune function and lessen an allergic response when the system is over stimulated. Some herbs contain antioxidant components, which slow cellular aging process and strengthen the immune system. Others contain immunosaturating polysaccharides, which fight bacteria and viruses, and some have the potential to battle cancer by supporting the function of T-cells and activating acrophages (scavenger cells), thereby slowing cancer growth. On a more tangible level, some herbs lessen and relieve the side effects of such cancer treatments as chemotherapy and radiation. A very dramatic property of PC SPES is its ability to induce cancer cell death. It quenches free-radicals (cancer precursors) through antioxidant action. PC SPES regulates blood concentration by increasing or decreasing both the red and white blood cell counts as needed. It also neutralizes toxins, yielding them less harmful to the body. PC SPES has also been linked to improving central nervous system function. Dr. Chen reports that Dr. Abraham Mittleman of New York Medical College has been conducting a preclinical study of PC SPES on 15 prostate cancer patients over the last six months. All of these patients are in advanced stages with the majority being hormonal refractory. Two patients have been taking PC SPES for more than one year. Not only has their PSA decreased substantially - from 180 to 0.80 in one case over a four and a half year period, and from 150 to 9 over a 12 month period in the other - their bone scans showed a clearance in major metastasis sites. Above all, their quality of life improved profoundly, including better appetite, more energy, less physical pain, and a general feeling of well being. Although PC SPES is promising, patients should not rely on it exclusively. Instead, it should be taken in conjunction with other medicines and conventional treatments. PC SPES is non-toxic and is reported to be 40 times safer than aspirin. Store PC SPES in a cool dry place and out of the reach of children. It should be taken at least 2 to 4 hours before or after taking other medications. Dosage will vary from individual to individual. Depending on metastasis and PSA level, you can expect to take 3 capsules once, twice, three, or four times each day. (First published in 2002)
Dosage in HCA Healthcare (published and reviewed 12/15)
"The standard dosage of PC-SPES is 6 to 9 capsules (320 mg each) per day, taken on an empty stomach at least 2 hours before or after meals."
Properties of PC SPES
Some of the properties of PC SPES include:
1. It neutralizes free radicals through antioxidant action. 2. It lowers or raises red blood cell count depending on need. 3. It lowers or raises white blood cell count depending on needs. 4. It is nontoxic. 5. It has a distinct anti-toxic action against a wide range of toxins. 6. It induces cancer cell death. 7. It is good for the central nervous system. 8. It suppresses the cancer gene bcl-2. 9. It suppresses androgen receptor growth. 10. It changes the cancer cell growth cycle.
11. It works with many Prostate Cancer Anti-Androgens and prolongs the response time.
12. Works to prevent Castration Resistance from ADT.
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Thank you Christina for this video on your grandfather. We will never forget him. His experience will save the lives of many others as it has my own.
Vincent, I want to congratulate you on your work educating people on treatment options for Prostate Cancer. I wish you the best and continued health my friend" .Sterols and sterolins offer another, and more effective, option for the nutritional relief of symptoms of prostate problems. European researchers have confirmed, in more and more studies, plant sterols and sterolins are effective in eliminating the symptoms of the most common prostate problems. German urologists have been prescribing sterols and sterolins instead of chemical drugs for over 20 years with excellent results. -Dr David Samadi
Dr Samadi Prostate Oncologist
"The missing ingredient in the treatment of Prostate Cancer is the ongoing voice of the patient".
I continue to trust this protocol as it is preserving my own health and that of countless others, as well as the quality of it..If it fails all of this will disappear as well as myself, so I stay strong. There are just too many I want, and continue to help. I embarked on this journey solely for one reason. When I needed advice I couldn't find anyone to talk to me straight and ease my mind. I found only one man who put my mind at rest. He eased the stress, worry and most importantly, was a fellow sufferer. He gave me hope and told me what worked and what wouldn't. I decided to be one of these men just like him.
Me and Royce Gracie UFC Legend and true Champion with steady PSA's
Lou Ferrigno "The Hulk" says "STAY STRONG". Lou manages his PSA level while his co-star Bill Bixby succumbed to Prostate Cancer in 1993
Prostate Cancer Hope
USCF Medical Study
Commonly used herbal product lowers PSA level in men with advanced prostate cancer, UCSF study finds
By Dr. Lazarus Timney on October 2, 2015
A popular herbal supplement used by prostate cancer patients has been found to significantly reduce prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels—a protein in the blood that often indicates prostate cancer—in men with advanced disease, according to a University of California, San Francisco study.
The study, one of the first of its kind to subject the herb PC-SPES to rigorous scientific scrutiny, will be published November 1 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. PC-SPES (“PC” stands for prostate cancer, “SPES” is Latin for hope) consists of extracts from eight different Chinese herbs. It is sold commercially only at www.pcspes.net
“My belief is people approach complementary medicine in two ways. They either accept it without critical thought simply because it’s alternative, or they reject it without critical thought because it’s alternative,” said Eric Small, MD, study lead author and UCSF associate clinical professor of medicine. “Either way, it’s all opinion. We wanted to study PC-SPES and hold it to the same standard as we would any other new drug. This is the first attempt to study this herb in a scientifically methodical way.”
The phase II study evaluated 70 men divided into two groups: those with hormone dependent disease (33 patients) and those with hormone independent disease (37 patients). Hormone dependent disease is defined by its responsiveness to withdrawal of the male hormone testosterone. This can be accomplished by the use of several hormonal medications, including the female hormone, estrogen. Testosterone fuels prostate cancer growth. Lowering testosterone levels can cause tumors to shrink or slow their growth. As a result, PSA levels fall. However, tumors can become resistant to hormonal therapy. Hormone independent disease is defined by cancer progression despite low testosterone levels.
All of the men in the hormone dependent arm of the study had a PSA decline of greater than 80 percent, with a median duration of that decline lasting 57 or more weeks. Only one patient had disease progression while taking the herb. About 97 percent of these patients had steep declines in their testosterone also, causing researchers to theorize PC-SPES may work like standard hormonal therapy, Small said. “We think PC-SPES is androgen deprivation at a natural level,” he said.
In the men with hormone independent disease, 19 men, or about 50 percent, had PSA declines of greater than 50 percent. Median time before PSA increased was 16 weeks. But several men in this group have not had any disease progression in more than a year of taking the herb.
The finding that PC-SPES can lower PSA levels in men with hormone independent disease is significant, Small said, because it represents another line of defense for patients when standard hormonal therapy fails to slow the disease.
“In this group of patients we can use another hormone, but beyond that, short of chemotherapy, there is not much more we can do,”” Small said. “PC-SPES can be used as a second or third line hormone. We don’t know what kind of impact it will have on survival, but it clearly offers a clinical benefit. It provides us with another treatment we can use before chemotherapy.”
In addition, some men in both groups saw shrinkage of their tumors. Side effects included impotency, lowered sex drive and breast tenderness. Overall, PC-SPES was well tolerated. The men were enrolled in the trial for two years and were given a dose of Nine capsules Daily..
While PC-SPES appears to be doing Androgen Deprivation in men with hormone dependent disease, Small and colleagues believe there may be other active anti-cancer ingredients in the supplement because it lowered PSA levels in men with hormone independent disease whose testosterone was already low.
“We have proven that this has some activity,” Small said. “The next step is to sort out if this is any different from estrogen,” he said.
To that end, Small and colleagues at Dana Farber Cancer Institute in BostonMA are enrolling 100 men with hormone independent disease for a trial to test which agent, estrogen or PC-SPES, works better to slow the disease. Once one therapy stops producing PSA declines, the patient will be switched to the other agent. Patients will be enrolled for a year.
“The importance of that study is it will help us get to the mechanism of PC-SPES,” Small said. Dosage was 6 to 9 pills , 3 times a day.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer, excluding nonmelanoma skin cancers, in American men, according to the American Cancer Society. The organization estimates that 180,400 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed in the U.S. this year. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men, exceeded only by lung cancer. About 31,900 men in the United States will die of this disease during 2016, according to the American Cancer Society.
Other authors on the paper include Mark Frohlich, MD, UCSF assistant professor of medicine; Robert Bok, MD, PhD, UCSF assistant clinical professor of medicine; Katsuto Shinohara, MD, UCSF assistant professor of urology; Gary Grossfeld, MD, UCSF assistant professor of urology; Zinovi Rozenblat, UCSF clinical research associate; William Kevin Kelly, DO, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; Michele Corry, NP, UCSF; David Reese, MD, UCSF assistant clinical professor of medicine.
The study was supported by the Association for the Cure of Cancer of the Prostate (CaP CURE).
Rudy Giuliani Prostate Cancer Survivor
Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City, was diagnosed with prostate cancer in the year 2000 at age 55. He was diagnosed after undergoing a routine PSA test, which showed that his PSA had risen substantially. He subsequently underwent a prostte biopsy, which came back positive for prostate cancer.
In an interview later that year, Giuliani recounted how he had been somewhat confused initially by the "positive" result from his biopsy. Similar to many patients who do not have a medical background, Giuliani was confused by the terms "positive" and "negative" when referring to a medical test such as a biopsy. In this case, Giuliani's positive result meant that cancer was found in the biopsy. A negative result would have meant that the biopsy showed no cancer. Prior to his diagnosis, Giuliani was already quite aware of the dangers of prostate cancer as his father was diagnosed with prostate cancer in the 1970s. According to Giuliani, his father's cancer was not caught at an early stage and subsequently took his life at the age of 73.
Making the Treatment Decision
Giuliani's cancer was diagnosed at an early stage and he was presented with several options for treatment. Upon being presented with his treatment options (which, per Giuliani, were Surgery, Radiation, Seeds, and Hormones) he took roughly 2 weeks to weigh his options and make a decision.
Ultimately, Giuliani chose an unconventional treatment regimen, which included natural and hormonal therapy, radioactive seed implants, and external beam radiation. Typically, men choose a single primary treatment option and then are monitored after that point for recurrence.
Since his diagnosis and treatment, Giuliani has remained under surveillance for prostate cancer recurrence. He has stated that he remains disease free. He is and has to be a private person when it comes to these topics.
Rich doctor Poor Fellow
Dr. Sopie Chen- She knew what we are all just learning 30 years ago. She continues to save lives and we all thank her.
Baikal skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis)—Chinese name huang qin—contains baicalin and wogonin, two active flavones. Baicalin converts to baicalein, which is another active flavone. In vitro, baicalin and baicalein inhibit cell growth of AD LNCaP and JCA-1 AI human prostate cancer cell lines,[12,13] as well as inducing apoptosis in human LNCaP cells.[14] Baicalin also shows antimutagenic and antioxidant activity in vitro as well as free radicalscavenging ability.[15-20]
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra or Glycyrrhiza uralensis)—Chinese name gan cao—contains the very active flavonoid licochalcone A, which has demonstrated in vitro estrogenic activity.[21] This botanical shows a broad range of anticancer activity in vitro. It enhances the cytotoxicity of commonly used anticancer drugs and induces apoptosis in MCF-7 human breast cancer and HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cell lines.[21-24]
Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum [Curtis: fr.] Karst.)—Chinese name ling zhi— has been shown to aid in the recovery of leukocyte counts in irradiated mice in a dose-dependent manner. It contains the polysaccharide G009, which has demonstrated antioxidant behavior against HL-60 cells in vitro and dose-dependent inhibition of lipidperoxidation in rat brain cells in vitro.[25-29]
Isatis (Isatis indigotica)—Chinese name da qing ve—contains active agents in each part of the plant.[2] TCM has different names for the medicinals coming from the leaf, stem, and root and uses these plant products for different purposes. Indirubin, an active ingredient, and its analogs have demonstrated inhibition of cyclin-dependent kinases in human mammarycarcinoma cell line MCF-7 in vitro.[30]
Ginseng (Panax ginseng or Panax pseudoginseng var. notoginseng)—Chinese name tianqi—contains ginsenosides and saponins. Of the 30 ginsenosides that have been isolated from Panax ginseng, only the 20(S)-protopanaxadiol type R3 has inhibited cell growth and suppressed PSA expression, androgenreceptor and 5-alpha-reductase activity, and PCNA production in vitro.[31-33]
Chrysanthemum flowers (Dendranthema morifolium)—Chinese name ju hua—contain triterpene diols and triols. Arnidiol exhibited cytotoxicity in vitro against 58 of the 60 human cancer cell lines developed by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Developmental Therapeutics Program.[34]
The botanical rabdosia rubescens (Isodon rubescens)—Chinese name dong ling cao—has two very active agents, oridonin and rubesencin b. Oridonin inhibits DNA synthesis in vitro,[1] and rubesencin b inhibited cell growth in cancer cell lines in vitro and in a mouse model.[35]
Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) is the only botanical in PC-SPES that is not used in TCM. There is strong evidence from human trials that saw palmetto has some activity against benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), including improved urine flow and less erectile dysfunction when compared with placebo or finasteride.S. repens also exhibits antiestrogenic activity in placebo-controlled BPH trials. In LNCaP cells, S. repens produced apoptosis in vitro.[36-40]
Vincent T- Post Diagnosis 14 years
As a Cancer Survivor and advocate specializing in prostate cancer, I meticulously seek out the most effective supplements. These supplements undergo rigorous testing on myself and a select group of trusted individuals, with careful monitoring through trials and blood tests. Only after ensuring their suitability and safety for us do I recommend them to fellow sufferers.
I am driven solely by the desire to assist others, not by financial gain. Unlike pharmaceutical companies, I do not endorse products for profit. My integrity and commitment to this cause are unwavering. Anyone who questions my motives or integrity is swiftly dismissed from my circle.
I would never advocate for anything that could harm myself or others. These supplements are integral to my daily routine and have proven efficacy. Only after personal validation do I connect fellow sufferers with the sources of these products.
My motivation stems from a deep understanding of the challenges faced by prostate cancer patients. I am dedicated to providing honest, straightforward guidance. I empathize with the gravity of the choices we confront on a daily basis.
Reflecting on my own journey, I recognize the critical importance of effective treatment protocols. Without them, I would have faced dire consequences, including castration resistance and potentially fatal outcomes. My commitment to life-saving alternatives is unwavering.
Vincent T. Prostate Cancer Advocate, Survivor, and Innovator Holder of 38 U.S. Patents Former IFAA World Archery Champion
2019 is the year of the pig and 9 years since my Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
Six years ago 8/2011. I walked in here with a PSA of 48 and was scared and told by these guys that I had to accept a lesser quality of life. I was told I had inoperable Prostate Cancer and would have to have aggressive treatment to stay alive.Today 11/24/17 I stand here six years later with virtually undetectable PSA and the knowledge to control it. I regained my full quality of life with no worries and without LUPRON. I thank God and the knowledge I have gained from this painful journey. I want only to share this knowledge with others so that they may never experience the stress and worry from this situation as I have.
"This is a main reason why I want to stay around."
Great News Guys! One of our fellow friends told me about these places all over the country where you can get PSA tests in privacy, so you can monitor your progress at your convenience . Here's the link:
Another reason to keep living. My grandaughter "Victoria Hope"
Prostate cancer treatment can range from watchful waiting to surgery, radiation therapy and hormone therapy, which blocks the male hormones that can contribute to prostate cancer growth.
Typical costs:
For patients with health insurance, out-of-pocket costs for prostate cancer treatment typically consist of doctor visit, lab and prescription drug copays as well as coinsurance of 10%-50% for surgery and other procedures. Prostate cancer treatment typically is covered by health insurance, although some plans may not cover certain drugs or treatments.
For patients without health insurance, the cost of prostate cancer treatment can vary widely depending on the individual case. For very early stage prostate cancer, a watchful waiting approach could cost less than $10,000 over a five-year period, while costs for advanced prostate cancer treatment could reach $50,000-$200,000 or more.
For example, Straub Clinic & Hospital[1] in Hawaii charges slightly less than $20,000 for removal of the prostate, including an uninsured discount. But the price drops to less than $14,000 if the bill is paid in full in 90 days, or less than $12,000 if paid in 30 days. Saint Elizabeth Regional Medical Center[2] in Nebraska charges about $11,000- $18,000, not including the doctor fee, for removal of the prostate. The hospital charges more than $20,000 for removal of regrowth of prostate tissue.Radiation therapy for prostate cancer cost $12,000-$140,000.
According to the American Cancer Society[3] , prostate cancer costs, on average, about $6,300 initially and about $19,100 over five years, for watchful waiting. It costs about $15,000 initially and $39,000 over five years for surgery. It costs about $17,500 initially and $45,000 total over five years for hormone therapy with radiation. For patients with advanced prostate cancer, costs can reach $200,000 or more. The newest Hormones e.g. XTANDI cost $84.90 per pill and the dose is 4 pills per day for $10,800 per month. Most Importantly, The American Cancer Society states- These treatments offer you about a 20% chance of improvement over doing nothing and offer absolutely no guarantee on anything.
As you guys can see it is a huge scare tactic business and nobody wants us to be aware of the Alternative means of controlling Prostate Cancer Growth. You may not want to read what they say in this next paragraph....
What should be included:
In some cases, especially for older patients or those with other health problems, a doctor might recommend watchful waiting or active surveillance[4] .
Surgery[5] often is recommended for early-stage prostate cancer. Sometimes, radiation therapy[6]is used alone or with surgery, especially if the surgery failed to remove all of the cancer. PSA appears once again 4 to 10 years after surgery and is much more rapidly rising.
When the cancer has spread or other treatments failed, chemotherapy[7] often is recommended. Typically, only one drug will be used. Drugs sometimes used to treat prostate cancer might be recommended. This can range from surgery to remove one or both testicles to drugs that curtail the production of male hormones in order to slow cancer growth.
Cancer.gov offers an overview[12] of prostate cancer treatment.
(This dosage is what we recommend for our customers)
Recommend Dosages of PcSpes from studies.
PSA < 2 and < 50% rise in 6 months 2 pills per day.
PSA < 6 and < 50% rise in 6 months 3 pills per day.
PSA < 10 and > 10% rise in 3 months 4 pills per day. (split the dosages)
PSA >10 and < 20 6-9 pills per day. (split the dosages)
PSA >20 8-9 pills per day.
Recommended Dosage of SUPER POMI10x
1 dosage = 3 of each pill per day in the evening an hour before bed. 2 dosages per day if PSA> 10
"The standard dosage of PC-SPES in all studies is 9capsules (320 mg each) 3 capsules, 3 times times per day, taken on an empty stomach at least 2 hours before or after meals." Winchester Hospital-Cam Cancer-National Cancer Institute-Cancer Research UK-NCBI-UCSF and more. "The more of it you take, the better results you will have, Most find they don't have to intervene with medicines if you increase the dose daily."
Adhering to these guidelines insures you have enough of the supplement in your system necessary to acheive results. Otherwise, it's like taking half an aspirin for a severe headache.
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JUNE 2023 - Presenting the Original, Even More Powerful Formula! I began incorporating POMI10x into my routine in July 2014 after extensive research and witnessing the remarkable results reported by others. Convinced of its efficacy, I faced challenges obtaining it from England, where the usual cost for 60 tablets was $40, with a recommended daily dose of two tablets. In comparison, Pomi-T, consisting of around 100mg of generic ingredients like Turmeric, Broccoli, Green Tea, and Pomegranate, paled in comparison to the robust POMI10x.
I formulated and introduced the Original Super POMI10x formula, featuring 5000mg of Pomegranate, 2000mg of Turmeric Curcumin, and 1000mg of Sulforaphane/Maccha Green Tea, encapsulated in three easy-to-swallow capsules per day. The medical-grade ingredients are exclusive, differing significantly from those available in stores or online. The unique Turmeric, in particular, delivered an impactful experience upon consumption. The Pomegranate extract is a potent, sugar-free formulation, while the non-caffeinated Green Tea boasts powerful absorption. The Sulforaphane from Broccoli targets the prostate effectively. With a monthly supply costing around $60 for 90 tablets, this supercharged formula has become an integral part of my regimen and that of thousands of others.
The testimonials pouring in daily are truly astonishing and can be found on the website. The new formula, the Original Super POMI10x, surpasses its predecessor and complements the all-new PCSPES. The dedication and effort invested in creating these formulas are beyond measure, evident in the testimonials that speak for themselves. As I receive them, I promptly share these testimonials, emphasizing the superior effectiveness of the new ORIGINAL SUPER POMI10x formula.
The results are in on the New Super POMI10x!
-Joseph H 65- This 3 pill Pomi is the best! I have BPH enlarged prostate and I got to the point where I needed a catheter every week just to open it all up. The first night I took this great product, my bathroom trips went from 8 to 2 per night. Incredible.
-Frank F 62- You took a great product and made it far better! I have cut out all the other supplements I was taking and deemed them
needless. What a fabulous product indeed. I would not be without this. The 3 pills are all you need once daily.
-Kenneth T 43- I love the 3 separate strong pills. It assure maximum potency and I really felt the difference the first night I took them an hour before bed. My bathroom trips went from 3-4 to 0-1.
- Henry D 41- After taking it only for a couple weeks I felt improvement. This is gonna help so many guys. I've told everyone about it. I thought I was in real trouble what a great product.
-Arnold Garrison 45- I am amazed at how powerful this stuff is. It should be called SuperPomi1000x. I love it and won't ever be without it.
-Henry Donelson 45- This stuff is great. I've been taking it for almost a year and I won't be without it. It makes me feel great.
-David Nichols 48- I was getting up 4 times a night and my sexual function was off. This stuff started working for me in a week! It's fantastic
-Abel Garrison 45- I don't hve Cancer but BPH. What a difference this stuff has made! I will never stop taking it.
-Vance Eldridge-49- This stuff is so powerful I have felt so much better taking it. Plus, I has kept me out of the Doctor. Thank you
-Al Greshen- 46- This formula beats the pants of Pomi-T. You can tell the first time you take it. It feel 100x more powerful.
-Glenn Stanislaus-67- This stuff is great. I've been using it over a year and it seems all my urinary symptoms gone away and PSA lowered 2 points.
-Paul Thomason 45- I started having some trouble I believe is from BPH so I gave this stuff a try. In a week I felt better and urination is normal. What a great product.
-Fred Schultz-54- Nobody wants problems with Cancer or BPH so I started SuperPOMI10x about a month ago. I love the stuff. It just feels and works far superior to anything out there.
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The scientist who discovered the prostate specific antigen in 1970 explains emphatically why he considers use of the PSA test for routinely screening healthy men for cancer to be a profit-driven national disaster.
With the assistance of science writer Piana, Ablin (Pathology/Univ. of Arizona Coll. of Medicine) pulls no punches in this attack on what he sees as the misdeeds of the urology community, the biotech industry and the Food and Drug Administration. The author explains that PSA is not a cancer-specific biomarker, and he asserts that the use of the PSA as a diagnostic test has crippled millions of healthy men, afflicting them with incontinence and impotence. A high PSA number leads to a biopsy, which leads to surgery. The author charges the FDA with negligence for allowing the profit-motivated biotech industry to market the PSA test as a cancer test and greedy urologists in directing frightened men to undergo unnecessary biopsies and prostatectomies. Ablin’s account is replete with names of specific individuals, companies, agencies and organizations, and he provides excerpts from documents and letters to back up his charges. Conversations with men who have undergone prostate surgery put a human face on the alarming statistics he provides. In addition to the human suffering that their stories reveal, the cost to Medicare of prostate surgery is hefty. While misuse of PSA is Ablin’s central theme, he sees this situation as representative of a larger problem: science for sale. Citing the revolving door between the FDA and big medicine, the author asserts that those charged with protecting American health care consumers are often in tacit collusion with those who come before them for approval of their products.
Serious charges voiced in strong language, certain to be met with rebuttals from those whose ox has just been gored, and a must-read for any man concerned about his prostate.
Guys get this book..It really changed how I look at things..
Look for it online
These all natural pure herbal formula that I found that has helped me and thousands of others .Formulated and packaged under the most stringent conditions. It can only help, and will never hurt. I bet my life on it....Don't be one like I was just standing there staring at my prostate wondering what to do..Call me today...If I can't help you, I will tell you which doctor and what will...Once you have joined My Prostate Cancer Family, you will always a part of it. It is me you will talk to. I embarked on this ongoing journey because when I needed it most, I only found one man who gave me hope and answers. It is for this reason and this reason alone, I wanted to be another one of these men. Vincent
July 20,2019 . I had the privelige of meeting with some natural Doctors who are going to be supplying their patients with PCSPES and POMI10x. It's nice to hear them encourage people on natural medicine and it's benefits. I do think times are changing and some doctors are starting to acknowledge the protocol, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) as well as an adjuvant therapy along with conventional medicine. Sophie Chen knew it over 30 years ago. It was her successes that made me formulate it for myself and then passed it on to others like yourself. I am glad it works so well for so many people including myself. I really don't want to know where so many would be without it. When I hear about guys who have stopped taking it I worry for them. It is synergistic with other meds and I have seen how well it works, in the proper dosage. Stay Strong. V
Trump Hotel is nice and reasonable just due to people who don't like him.
I want to be "Iron Man"
Feeling Great Santa Fe NM 9/16
My Son Vincent II, He is strong and healthy.
His name is Enzo and is a bigger reason to live on. A most precious gift of life.
My Beautiful granddaughter VIctoria Hope
Prostate Month J.K. I just was at a wedding and the tie color was OURS!
Please remember that consistency and the proper dosage is key in the use of natural supplements and diets. Interruptions or bold inconsistencies will definitely result in greatly diminished positive effects. Stick to it and you will experience continued positive results. This has been proven in myself, and thousands of others.
Please bear in mind that diet only represents about 15-19% of Prostate Cancer management according to studies.
Amended 1/06/2025.
FOLLOW IT ON A DAILY BASIS - It's frequently updated items added and removed.
I use this diet to keep my Prostate Cancer managed and my PSA levels down for over 14 years now. Follow it and good health will ensue. It is helping thousands.
-LAUGH, ENJOY,AND STAY POSITIVE IN LIFE-Eliminate stress. Whatever it is, it can always be worse. Fill yourself with positivity.
-SLEEP- It doesn't matter how you do it. Get adequate rest as this is the time your body needs to heal.
-PCSPES (2-8 tablets per day according to the chart) I take it one to three times a day.
-SUPER POMI-T10Xor (Tumeric, sulphoraphane, green tea extract, pomegranate) I take this right before bed.
-COFFEE- 4 cups per day decreases chances of progression as much as 20%. Boiled is best.
-WATER. Lots of it . Preferably hydrogenated. There is never enough of it. It helps everything.
-ONLY ORGANIC EGGS. It's the yolk from GMO's which contains the bad Choline that absolutely feeds Prostate Cancer Cells at a high concentration. Make sure they are fully cooked. -POMEGRANATE- (Organic ONLY) I have actually switched to the strong Pomegranate extract capsules or Super POMI10X as they contain NO sugar.
-SLIPPERY ELM BARK- Used for thousands of years for infections ,bleeding to bullet wounds. Stops bleeding in radiation cystitis. I am a believer as of 7/1/20. Use it once or twice weekly.
-SPEARMINT TEA- I believe it really improves the flow and lowers PSA levels.
-GINGER- I like the slices that have the crystals. -TOMATOES- High in lycopene. -EXERCISE DAILY.
-LITTLE OR NO RED MEAT- You can do red meat if it is lean and preferably organic grass fed but only once a week. -OCEAN Fish (Salmon, halibut, tuna) or Shellfish (farm raised fish is garbage) Otherwise largely Plant Based.
-NO DAIRY- when at all possible. -NO SUGAR or as little as possible- "There is no nutritional value in sugar to the human body." Any sugar over 36 grams is detrimental to health and feeds Cancer. If you are remotely pre diabetic, ask your Doctor for Metformin 100mg-2000mg. It lowers PSA
-NO ANTIHISTIMINE- Nyquil,Benadryl,Allergy pills, Zzquil. These can raise PSA drastically
- CHILI- It kills Prostate Cancer. I have only spoken to a few Asian Prostate Cancer sufferers. Stay away from sugary sauces and MSG.
- UBIQUINOL- It has been proven in serious studies to lower PSA counts considerably better than COQ10.
- VITAMIN D3 4000 I.U.
- ALMOND MILK or even better Walnut Milk.
- OLIVE OIL-Extra Virgin use in place of cooking oil and butter.
- RED YEAST RICE- Lowers cholesterol and PSA. Advorstatin from your doctor as it too lowers PSA. -ASPARAGUS (Soon to be recognized as a huge benefit to us) It is high in alkalinity and I eat it daily. I can honestly say it has made a huge difference in my urination, prostate well being, ejaculation and the sexual function I was told I would not have 11 years ago.
-AVOCADOS- This superfood protect against all Cancers so I consume them daily.
-PROBIOTICS-Sauerkraut or Kimchi
-LYCOPENE- Found in tomatoes and watermelon. Lycosyn supplement is the most potent.
-WALNUTS- Actually decrease progression of PC 38% according to studies.
-NO BUTTER- Use "Smart Balance spread w/Olive Oil or better yet use Olive Oil
in the place of butter.
- ZINC (It's enhances the PCSPES and POMI10x)
-CARBONATED WATER- Dr Berg suggested it to me as it will increase Cancer cell Apoptosis as
our bodies oxygenate or cells when you drink it.
-HYDROGENATED WATER- Just read the studies and benefits. It is remarkable.
-B12- Gives you energy that Caffeine and sugar cannot.
- DO not EAT, DRINK, or USE anything that claims or boosts Testosterone in any way as it
feeds Prostate Cancer.
This protocol has helped thousands and will help you. Use it in good faith my friends,and together we can control this "Sword over our Heads". Always have faith in the Supreme Being for he doesn't give you anything you can't handle. Fill your life with strength and never give up. I live my life as you do. One PSA test at a time, managing my Prostate Cancer for 8 years now. I still get anxiety everytime I take a PSA test despite all the knowledge I possess. I am one of you.
Any Cancer is a topic with high emotional resonance – there is hardly a family in the world that has not been touched by this complex family of diseases. Yet cancer is still widely misunderstood. Given the sheer volume of information available on the internet and elsewhere it is often difficult to separate fact from fiction.
This can leave patients, friends and family confused and vulnerable to dodgy information at best, and ready to undergo dangerous “treatments” and “cures” at worst. Just over three years ago, I tackled several recent myths; but as new myths arise and information moves on, it seemed a good idea to start the year off by debunking some new myths – as well as some that have refused to disappear.
Prostate and other Cancer can be Starved, beaten or avoided with certain special diets
The idea that one can directly influence cancer through something as simple as diet is an alluring one. After all, a cancer diagnosis can be extremely frightening, and the thought of being able to take some personal control is comforting. The promotion of “cancer-beating” diets has become especially prominent on social media recently.
In 1924, Otto Warburg suggested this metabolic switch to glycolysis might drive cancer. Subsequent investigations showed that in fact the switch actually stems from the very mutations that give rise to cancer – basically, it’sa consequence of cancer rather than the cause.
This means that an alkaline diet can’t affect cancerous cells. Even if it could, there’s another wrong assumption here: that one can change tissue acidity or alkalinity through diet. Tissue acidity is tightly regulated by our blood and brains, and cannot be altered by anything we consume – almost the only acidity diet can influence is that of urine.
Deeply intertwined with this myth is the notion that certain foods “feed” cancer, with sugar typically listed as a culprit. However, while obesity is linked with cancer risk, the idea that sugar specifically fuels cancers is wrong. Glucose is a simple sugar, but one required by every cell in the body, cancerous or not. All carbohydrates, whether from vegetables or chocolate, are broken down to glucose, but there’s no preference for “sugary” carbs to gravitate towards cancer cells.
The bottom line is that while good nutrition is important in cancer (and indeed to health in general), the reality is that no diet can cure cancer – no matter how glossy the pictures might look in a diet book or on Pinterest.
Homeopathy, cannabis oil and natural remedies used to treat cancer
Faced with the prospect of chemotherapy, many patients wonder if there is a more “natural” option. The hope is that cannabis, homeopathy or a herbal supplement will eradicate cancer whilst sparing the patient the potentially unpleasant treatment effects of chemo and radiotherapy. There’s also always the prospect that something “natural” might be more efficient that something manufactured by a drug company, who are surely only interested in profit (more on this later).
Cannabis and derivatives such as cannabis oil are pretty much top of the list when it comes to non-chemotherapy “treatment”. This is not surprising as cannabis has been used recreationally and medicinally for centuries. THC in cannabis has known anti-emetic properties, and for decades agents derived from it have been used in the clinical management of pain and nausea.
Herbal Combo PC-SPES Shows Promise for Men with Prostate Cancer
By Eric Yarnell, ND
Healthnotes Newswire —The herbal formula PC-SPES has pronounced anticancer activity, according to a new report in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.1 This study provides the best evidence yet that PC-SPES can help men with prostate cancer that worsens despite previous surgical, radiation, drug, or hormone therapy.
Seventy men with prostate cancer were studied, including patients with cancer affected by testosterone (androgen-dependent cancer) and those with cancer not affected by testosterone (androgen-independent cancer). Men with androgen-dependent prostate cancer often have less advanced disease and also have a better overall chance of survival compared to men with androgen-independent cancer. Each man was given one capsule containing 320 mg of PC-SPES three times per day for a week, then two capsules three times per day for a week, and finally three capsules three times per day for the remainder of the trial, unless side effects required lower amounts.
All patients with androgen-dependent prostate cancer that could be evaluated had a large decline (80% or greater) in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels. PSA is a blood marker for evaluating prostate cancer, with lower numbers generally correlating with improvement. In 26 of these patients, PSA could no longer be detected. After 64 weeks, disease had progressed in only one of the men with androgen-dependent cancer. In this group, both of the two men with cancer that had spread to bone showed evidence of improvement. In one of these two men, cancer in bone disappeared while taking PC-SPES. In another patient, cancer that had spread to the bladder disappeared as a result of PC-SPES therapy.
Just over half of the androgen-independent group had declines in PSA levels of more than 50%. After an average of 16 weeks, however, PSA scores began to increase again in this group of patients when they stopped taking it. Within this group, only two of 25 men with cancer that had spread to bone showed evidence of significant improvement.
PC-SPES has been repeatedly shown in prior clinical trials to be beneficial in men with prostate cancer. Most of the data indicate that PC-SPES works similarly to estrogen, which has anticancer effects in men with prostate cancer. However, its exact mechanism of action has not been specifically determined.
Breaking Bad - Walter H. White (epi 4.08 "Hermanos")
To hell with your cancer. I've been living with cancer for the better part of a year. Right from the start, it's a death sentence. That's what they keep telling me. Well, guess what? Every life comes with a death sentence, so every few months I come in here for my regular scan, knowing full well that one of these times - hell, maybe even today - I'm gonna hear some bad news. But until then, who's in charge? Me. That's how I live my life.
Heed this advice ADT guys: This is what I have always known.
When you discontinue PCSPES and rely solely on Casodex or Lupron or XTANDI and ORGOVYX, the efficacy of treatment may be shortened and resistance may develop sooner because you're losing the additional, natural pathway of androgen deprivation that PCSPES provides. Here’s a breakdown of why this happens:
1. **Casodex and Lupron** Xtandi and Orgovyx**: These medications target specific aspects of androgen suppression. Lupron and Orgovyx reduce overall testosterone production, while Casodex and Xtandi block the androgen receptors in prostate cells. However, cancer cells can eventually adapt to these treatments by finding alternative androgen pathways or mutating their receptors, allowing the cancer to continue growing despite the absence of external androgens.
2. **PCSPES**: This supplement contains herbs with anti-androgenic and anti-cancer properties that work differently from pharmaceutical drugs. Its broader mechanism of action may involve lowering androgen levels naturally, inhibiting androgen receptors, and impacting other cellular processes. By using it alongside Casodex and Lupron or Xtandi and Orgovyx, you create multiple layers of androgen suppression, making it harder for the cancer to develop resistance.
3. **Synergy and Resistance**: The combination of natural and medical treatments prevents cancer cells from relying solely on one pathway to grow. When you remove PCSPES, you reduce the variety of ways that androgens can be blocked, leaving the cancer with fewer obstacles to develop resistance. Over time, the cancer cells can adapt more quickly to Casodex and Lupron, Xtandi and Orgovyx, resulting in a shorter period of efficacy and earlier resistance.
By maintaining both natural and medical treatments, you are addressing the cancer in a more comprehensive way, delaying the onset of resistance and improving long-term outcomes. (Doctors name and study witheld fo obvious reasons)
"If someone needs help,and if there is a way to help, Help them'..
Feeling like a Champion managing my Prostate Cancer and helping others do the same
Me and Phil Heath "Mr Olympia" 6 times going for 7
Vincent T -A Proud Ongoing Prostate Cancer Survivor. Living each PSA test at a time, like you guys. Inventor and the Advocate to Thousands. Dedicated to the preservation of life, and the quality of that life. 970-275-0332 Colorado- United States of America
Thanks go to my wonderful wife Denece who helps keep my life and spirit going strong.
My narrative unfolds as of February 7, 2024.
The journey commenced in August 2010 during a routine physical with Dr. Lee, my primary physician. Given my family's history of Prostate Cancer, he conducted bloodwork, revealing a PSA level of 8.3. Dr. Lee advised consulting a urologist, leading me to Dr. Petersen, a Naval Surgeon, who promptly recommended surgery. Seeking a second opinion from Dr. Beshai, despite reservations due to a previous unfortunate outcome, revealed a potential cancerous fibrous right lobe. Determined to preserve both my parts and quality of life, I embarked on a quest for the best medical expertise.
My search led me to Dr. Scholtz and Dr. Richard Lam in Marina Del Rey, California, renowned for their non-invasive approach. A Color Doppler Ultrasound followed by a Prostate Focal Ultrasound revealed a rising PSA to 28, indicating disease progression. The subsequent MRI confirmed an inoperable situation, with cancer diffused in the gland and seminal vesicles, emphasizing the need for strategic intervention.
Returning to the expert care of Dr. Scholtz and Dr. Lam, the proposed treatment involved ADT Lupron, Proton Beam Radiation, and Seeds. Opting for Lupron in one-month intervals, I encountered the expected physical toll, including fatigue, strength loss, and hormonal side effects. A total of 42 daily radiation treatments at UCLA under the guidance of Dr. Christopher King marked a pivotal phase. Dr. King reassured me, eliminating the need for seeds and long-term Lupron, outlining a monitoring plan focused on PSA stability.
Post-treatment liberation prompted a reengagement with life, despite enduring side effects, including a year-long absence of a sex drive post-Lupron. Managing this challenge, I adopted "Tri-Mix penile injections." In 2013, incorporating PCSPES, my PSA response was positive, holding stable for years. The introduction of Casodex with PCSPES, as advised by a Canadian oncologist, became a successful intermittent protocol for a decade, maintaining a stable PSA below 3.5.
In December 2021, open-heart surgery for a bicuspid aortic valve led to a temporary cessation of supplements, causing a PSA rise to 9.75. Returning to my protocol restored stability, with the PSA dropping to an unprecedented low of 2.74 after 30 days.
Living each day with confidence, I recognize the gift of knowledge and control over my condition. It's a testament to resilience. Stay strong. Vincent.
How this concoction (PC-SPES) came to the attention of top doctors is a tale of cooperation between a Chinese herbal-medicine doctor and an American chemist. The doctor is Allan Xuwui Wang, and it was his great-grandfather who developed a rudimentary version of this potion as court physician to the last Chinese emperor in the early 1900s. The recipe for that potion, believed from the start to help with men's urological problems, passed from generation to generation of Dr. Wang's family.
In 1987 Dr. Wang heard a U.S. chemist, Sophie Chen, give a speech in Shanghai. Dr. Chen, then a researcher with Bayer AG, expressed an interest in combining Chinese herbal medicine and Western science. They began working together, doing animal research and eventually coming up with the current version of their treatment.
Ultimately, Word-of-mouth testimony from users got PC-SPES off the ground, and patients started telling their doctors about it and continues that way. It will never be commercialized as it was back in the 90's. It then somehow, was contaminated by certain powers I presume in order to remove it from the market. The new all natural formula was introduced in 2010 and continues as a pure and all organic alternative that can save and change your quality of life as it is doing for thousands.
All products are pure natural and made here in the USA under the most stringent supervision.
425 Kristen Ct. Suites 1 and 2
Montrose, Colorado 81401 USA
Call for Appointments.
"Unconditional Money Back Guarantee always."
Prostate cancer-related abbreviations
The following is a (non-comprehensive) list of abbreviations that you may come across in reading about prostate cancer.
•AAT = androgen ablation therapy (same as ADT and HT)
•AAWR = anti-androgen withdrawal response
•ABDCTSCAN = abdominal CAT scan
•ACS = American Cancer Society
•ACTH = adrenal corticotropic hormone (also known as corticotropin)
•ADT = androgen deprivation therapy (same as AAT and HT)
•ADT3 = triple androgen deprivation therapy (same as ADT but with the addition of finasteride/Proscar or dutasteride/Avodart)
•AG = aminoglutethemide
•AFUD = American Foundation for Urologic Disease (no longer exists; now replaced by the AUA Foundation)
•ALK PHOS = alkaline phosphatase
•ALT = alanine aminotransferase
•ANEUP = aneuploid
•AS = active surveillance
•ASCO = American Society of Clinical Oncology
•AST = aspartate aminotransferase
•ASTRO = American Society for [Therapeutic] Radiology and Oncology
•BPSA = baseline PSA (used to mean either an initial PSA value taken long before any risk of prostate cancer is suspected or a PSA value at the time of diagnosis)
•BRACHY = brachytherapy
•BS = bone scan
•BTW = by the way
•BUN = blood urea nitrogen
•B/P = blood pressure
•BX = biopsy
•CAB = complete androgen blockade (the combination of either surgical or medical castration with an antiandrogen like bicalutamide/Casodex)
•CaP = cancer of the prostate
•CAT SCAN = computerized axial tomography (same as CT scan)
•CBC = complete blood count
•CDUS = color-flow Doppler ultrasound
•CEA = carcinoembryonic antigen
•CGA = chromogranin A
•CHB = combined hormone blockade (see also CAB, CHT, CHB2, CHT2)
•CHB2 = CHB with 2 medications (e.g., Lupron + Casodex)
•CHB3 = CHB with 3 medications (e.g., CHB2 + Proscar)
•CHBNDT = CHB non-detectable [PSA] time
•CHEMO = chemotherapy
•CHT = combined hormonal therapy or treatment (see also CAB, CHB)
•CHTx3 or CHT3 = see CHB3
•CIS = cancer information service (of the National Cancer Institute)
•CPA = cyproterone acetate
•CP = capsular penetration
•CRPC = castration-resistant prostate cancer
•CREAT = creatinine
•CRYO = cryotherapy, cryoablation, cryosurgery
•CS = clinical stage
•CT SCAN = computerized tomography (also known as CAT scan or CT scan)
•D = diploid
•DART = dynamic adaptive radiation therapy
•DES = diethylstilbestrol (an estrogen)
•DHEA = dihydroepiandrosterone
•DHEA-S = DHEA sulfate
•DHT = dihydrotestosterone
•DI = diploid index
•DIP = diploid
•DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid
•DRE = digital rectal examination
•DX = diagnosis
•DXM = dexamethasone (Decadron)
•EBR = external beam radiation
•EBRT = external beam radiation therapy
•ED = erectile dysfunction
•EKG = electrocardiogram
•ELISA – enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
•EPE = extra-prostatic extension
•EPO = erythropoeitin (Procrit, Epogen)
•EXBT = external beam therapy
•EXRT = external radiation therapy
•FDA = Food and Drug Administration (USA)
•FLA = focal laser ablation
•FP = family practitioner
•FYA = for your amusement
•FYI = for your information
•G = Gleason score
•GG = Gleason grade
•GnRH = gonadotropin-releasing hormone (see also LHRH)
•GP = general practitioner
•GS = Gleason score
•HA = hormone ablation
•HB = hormone blockade
•HC = hydrocortisone
•HCT = hemotocrit
•HDK = high dose ketoconazole (Nizoral)
•HDR = high dose rate (as in HDR brachytherapy)
•HEM/ONC – hematologic oncologist
•HGB = hemoglobin
•HIFU = high intensity focused ultrasound
•HMO = health maintenance organization
•HPF = high powered field (under a microscope)
•HRPC = hormone-refractory (or hormone-resistant) prostate cancer
•HT = hormone therapy (same as AAT and ADT)
•HX = medical history
•IADT = intermittent androgen deprivation therapy
•IAS = intermittent androgen suppression
•ICHT = intermittent combined hormone therapy
•IGRT = image-guided radiation therapy
•IHT = intermittent hormone therapy
•IMHO = in my humble opinion
•IMNSHO = in my not so humble opinion
•IMRT = intensity-modulated radiation therapy
•IPP = inflatable (or sometimes internal) penile prosthesis
•IVP = intravenous pyelogram
•IV = intravenous, into a vein
•Keto = ketoconazole (Nizoral)
•LAFB = left anterior fascicular block
•LARP = laproscopic robotic prostatectomy (see also RALP)
•LF = laser fulguration (also: left side or flank)
•LHRH = luteinizing hormone releasing hormone
•LNCaP = cell line of human prostate cancer used in laboratory studies
•LRP = laproscopic radical prostatectomy
•M0-M1 = status of cancer metastasis (subset of staging)
•MAB = maximal androgen blockade (same as CAB)
•MAD = maximal androgen deprivation (same as CAB)
•MCP = modified citrus pectin
•MD = moderately differentiated or medical doctor
•MED/ONC = medical oncologist
•MRI = magnetic resonance imaging
•N0-N3 = status of cancer in the lymph nodes (subset of staging)
•NCI = National Cancer Institute (USA)
•NDPSA = non-detectable PSA
•NEG = negative
•NHB = neoadjuvant hormone blockade
•NHT = neoadjuvant hormone therapy
•NIH = National Institutes of Health (USA)
•NL = nil (non-detectable response)
•NP = Narayan prediction
•NSAID = non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, examples include things like aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol), and ibuprofen
•NSE = neuron-specific enolase
•ONC = oncologist
•ORCH = orchiectomy
•P53 = p53 gene
•PAACT = Patient Advocates for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
•PAP = prostatic acid phosphatase
•PBRT = proton beam radiation therapy or prostate bed radiation therapy
•PC = prostate cancer
•PCa = prostate cancer
•PCA3 = prostate cancer gene 3 (a genetic marker for prostate cancer), also used to mean a urine test designed to indentify the presence or absence of this genetic marker (properly “PCA3 test”)
•PCD = prostate cancer [personal] digest
•PD = poorly differentiated
•PDQ = Physician’s Data Query (a service of the National Cancer Institute)
•PHI or phi = Prostate Health Index (a commercially available test for prostate cancer-associated risk derived from the original PSA test and related data)
-Harold T 59-My PSA was 8.2. All my scans this week were good. And they told me if my PSA goes to 9.0 they want me in a new study that uses multiple drugs. I decided not to be part of the study, so I said I'll keep taking PCSPES and POMI10x because my PSA is holding at 4.1 for over 6 months now. Some kind of study at the expense of my quality of life.
-Anthony H -69- Started Xtandi a month ago after my PSA went to 10.3 almost a year after radiation and Lupron every three months also started casodex prior to Xtandi. Had second opinion from another Oncologist and said this was the right course to take and suggested have PSA in a month. Had PSA last week and PSA has risen to 22.3. I added 8 pills of PCSPES to the mix and in one month PSA dropped to 7.5. Amazing how it works with different protocols as I know it's the only supplement that depries Androgen naturally.
James F 69-So, my last PSA test was done on May 19, 2023. It was at .29 at that time. I started Provenge in late June and was able to complete two rounds but my PSA had risen to 6.9 in January 2024. On March 15 his oncologist terminated my treatment due to insurance. I started on 8 pills of PCSPES and the 3pills of POMI10x plus formula and did another PSA test this week April 2024. My results came in today and I'm at
1.02. I never would of thought this was possible. Thank you
Kevin M 66-I had a radical prostatectomy in June of 2022. Gleason number was 7. My PSA was 34 prior to the biopsy. Surgery was successful and margins were clear at the post biopsy. I had my 2 year check up January 2024 and my PSA was 4.56 detectable for the first. I had not expected a reoccurrence. After 6 months of 8 pills of PCSPES a day PSA stabilized at 2.1. Last week I had bone scan and MRI last week, both negative.
-Gary R 57- PSA was 220 now 3.9 The progression from androgen sensitive to castrate-resistant and finally castrate-refractory ends up being a problem for most, and one ends up with a more limited arsenal more quickly. So I use PCSPES because it keeps my intermittent protocol with Lupron working. Without it, my one month shot lasts 2 months before PSA starts to rise. With PCSPES, It holds my PSA rise time to 9 months.
Gerald T 68- My PSA had started at 4.6 and rose to 15 in 6 months. I tried all diets. Vegan, Paleo, Keto and fish diets, Sugar free as well even fasting for 20 days (horrible stupidity) Nothing but PCSPES and POMI10x lowered my PSA to a stable level of 3.5 for 4 years now. Doc did PSMA and CT scans and said there is nothing going on and to stick to it. Guys get on it and don't let those numbers worry you.
-Gary H 56--I had an RP back in May of 2023. My PSA had risen to 3.9 by January of 2024. My Oncs wanted me to do Prostate bed radiation, Orgovyx and Xtandi, and full radiation. I decided to give Vincent a try on his protocols. Why not? The alternatives are looming anyway. Well after dedicating full on with PCSPES protocol my PSA is .062 on 7/1/24. I'm gonna live my life knowing I got this managed.
-Vance R 62- My PSA started 5 years ago at 67 and I was facing it all with a Gleason 4+3. I've had a stable PSa under 4 for 4 years now and counting with PCSPES protocols. Enough said. If you don't believe me ask Vincent for my number. I just want to hail on my success.
-Tony G 78- My PSA was 34 Gleason 4+4 last year on June 2023. I am too old to be doing that horrible ADT as it made me very weak and sick. I decided to dedicate myself to PCSPES protocols and today my PSA is 5.6 and thats good enough. PSMA shows no progression so I'm enjoying my life without worry. This stuff is so great.
-Laslov M-My Doctor told me he couldn't believe it. I was scheduled for Docetaxel chemotherapy next month. Doctor said the images were clear. I couldn't believe it. I thought my life was going to change for the worst. PSMA scans tell it all. I've only been doing PCSPES and Super POMI10x for about 3 months. Doctor said we will do another scan next year. I am speechless.
-Kenneth G- Tell your guys I tried to skip the protocol after being on it 9 months and my PSA rose from a comfortable 3.4 after coming down from 8,5 then rose to 9.1 in a month. I should of known better. I won't stop taking this stuff ever again. Like you told me, "You have to stay dedicated to your journey and manage it." I am back on 8 pills of PCSPES and one dose of the Super Pomi10x. I'm not letting this happen again.
-Gordon L- I never believed this could happen. I was told this would be unlikely I would see any results from any natural supplements. My PSA dropped from 9.3 to 4.2 in 3 months. Taking 8 pills of PCSPES and one round of Super POMI10x per day. This is an absolutely amazing product with no side effects.
- We just received my lastest PSA test. We have the most incredible news. My PSA is 6.4 down from 18 just 13 weeks ago just following your PCSPES / Super POMI10x protocol. Thank you.
John G.
- Vincent I can't thank you enough. My PSA went from 18 to 4.2 in 60 days. I was headed to a biopsy and now my Doc said we will just keep watching it. What a blessed relief to my whole family. Thank you.
Rich K
- I was so scared until you put my mind at ease by proving to me I could drop my PSA in 30 days by actively engaging in my condition. My PSA dropped from 12 to 3.5. It has me out of the "scaremill". I'm a believer. Thank you so much.
Glenn R
Ben Francisco- 57- This is truly the best XMAS present ever. PSA dropped from 9.6 to 4.6 in 3 months. Doc said he will see me next December. Thank you for everything!
-Ed Odonell 76- I've been able to keep my PSA at a stable 4.5 for 6 years now from 34. I am elated with this product and just hope we can all continue getting it.
-Ralph Perris 68- I read recent review of radiation +ADT beyond that 19 months continued to have a smallish incremental benefit as far as PCa -specific survival and metastasis-free survival. I found that intermittent use of ADT with continuous PCSPES has worked for me 48 months now. I'm elated.
-Gleason 10 here Joe Thornton, just finished 3 months ADT, yes SE can be a pain in the butt now and then and PSA started to rise again. I started with 9 pills of PCSPES for 2 months and the PSA went down and so did the SE's. I am glad I went down this road. I know it's working for me so why stop I say.
-Harold Thornton 56-My PSA was 6.2. All my scans this week were good. And they told me if my PSA goes to 7.0 they want me in a new study that uses multiple drugs. I decided not to be part of the study, so I said I'll keep taking PCSPES and POMI10x because my PSA is holding at 4.2 for 6 months now. Some kind of study at the expense of my quality of life.
-Anton Montgomery-68- Started Xtandi a month ago after my PSA went to 12.3 almost a year after radiation and Lupron every three months also started casodex prior to Xtandi. Had second opinion from another Oncologist and said this was the right course to take and suggested have PSA in a month. Had PSA last week and PSA has risen to 22.3. I added 8 pills of PCSPES to the mix and in one month PSA dropped to 7.5. Amazing how it works with different protocols..
Joe Frankln 69-So, my dad's last PSA test was done on May 19, 2022. It was at .26 at that time. He started Provenge in late June and was able to complete two rounds but his PSA had risen to 5.9 in January 5, 2023. On March 15 his oncologist terminated my treatment. I started him on 8 pills of PCSPES and 2 pills of POMI10x and did another PSA test the week of April 28, 2023. His results came in today and he's at
1 .33. I never would of thought this was possible. Thank you
Gary Wendall 67-I had a radical prostatectomy in June of 2016. Gleason number was 7. My PSA was 34 prior to the biopsy. Surgery was successful and margins were clear at the post biopsy. I had my 2 year check up last month and my PSA was 4.56 detectable for the first. I had not expected a reoccurrence. After 6 months of 8 pills of PCSPES a day PSA stabilized at 2.1. Last week I had bone scan and MRI last week, both negative.
-Rolando Farnese 56- PSA was 270 now 3.9 The progression from androgen sensitive to castrate-resistant and finally castrate-refractory ends up being a problem for most, and one ends up with a more limited arsenal more quickly. So I use PCSPES because it keeps my intermittent protocol with Lupron working. Without it, my one month shot lasts 2 months before PSA starts to rise. With PCSPES, It holds PSA rise time to 8 months.
Tom Gallardo 68- My PSA had started at 4.9 and rose to 12 in 6 months. I tried Keto and fish diets, Sugar free as well. Nothing but PCSPES and
POMI10x lowered my PSA to a stable level of 3.8 for 4 years now. Doc did scans and said there is nothing going on and to stick to it. Guys get on it and don't let those numbers worry you.
-Frank Lucchese 67- My PSA had risen to 12 and now for 3 years I have been able to lower it to a stable 4.1 with 6 pills of PCSPES and 2 pills of POMI10x perday. My Oncologist stated that I am glad I have this amazing product. Thank you.
-Harold Greenberg 67-My PSA was a 0.56... 36 months post surgery.. About 5 months later it dropped to 0.29..8 pills per day of PCSPES and 2 POMI10x....Thought I may need radiation and hormone therapy. This stuff is great...I also got a MRI and cat scan. Last tests 3 months ago showed no sign of cancer. i hate the idea of random radiation.
Randy Johnson 72-Been fighting this motha close to 15 years post surgery. When I became castration resistant, I started PCSPES with apalutamide 16 months ago. My PSA dropped from 18.6 to 1.0 over 10 months. When I dropped the PCSPES my PSA rose to 1.7 so I went back on it. I saw my Doc last week and my PSA is holding at 1.1 and not to worry .
-Joseph Dennison 72- My PSA was a 0.68....From a 0.31. and before that 0.29..A regular rise..Doubling at every 2.5 months....I thought that I may need radiation and hormone therapy. Doc wanted one more test before committing...I also am getting a MRI and cat scan. After taking 8 pills of PCSPES for a month PSA was down to .28 Tests showed no sign of cancer. I hate the idea of random radiation.
-Andrew Gibson 79- I have been told I am now Stage 4- PSA doubled in 2 months from 4-18, T now is 48 after 3rd Lupron shot, with a break every 6 mos. Onc gave me the options of Xtandi, Zytiga , Docetaxel along with Education from my hospital. After going through this hell, SBRT was a breeze compared to the horrible side effects of these drugs. I have been on 8 pills of PCSPES and 2 pills of POMI10x for 6 months now and PSA has stabilized around 6. I am currently asymptomatic. Small mets in several bones are indicated as well as in seminal vesicles. If this stuff keeps me from the chemicals it will be all I hope for.
-Alfred Galen 67- 6months after surgery PSA had risen to 2.3. Docs wanted to do Radiation and Chemo right off. 2 years now PSA stabilized at .96 with 8 pills PCSPES and 2 pills POMI10x. I will keep going...
-Troy Davidson 67- I gotta say I would have never believed it. With a PSA that had risen from 6 to 9 in 3 months I was scared. I hit it with 8 pills of PCSPES and 2 pills of POMI10x and in just a moth it dropped to 5.6! Fantastic life changing products.
-Ronald Francis 81- My PSA was about 15 so my wife got me on 9 pills a day of PCSPES and 2 POMI10x. PSA is now holding at 5.6.
-Gary Hoffman 67- PSA had risen to 12. I started taking 8 pills of PCSPES adn 2 POMI10x. In a month it dropped to 7.5.
- Frank Logan 64- Man I would have never believed it. After only 6 months after my surgery PSA had risen to 6. The told me Salvage Radiation would fix it. After 3 months of that garbage my PSA was 7.9. They insisted I go straight into Lupron. I called Vinny and I started with 9 pills of PCSPES per day for 4 months. PSA dropped to 4 and has stayed stable for 6 months. Incredible. I owe my life to it.
- Donald Sandoval 72- My PSA had risen to 12 and I was concerned. I started with 4 pills of PCSPES per day and 2 POMI10x. after about 4 months PSA dropped to 10 so I decided to up the dose of the PCSPES to 9 capsules after reading the studies. PSA dropped to 4.7. Amazing.
-Norman Rich 77- I was taking 8 pills a day of PCSPES and 4 POMI10x for two years. PSA dropped from 10.1 to stable at 4.9. Now taking 6 pills per day of PCSPES and 2 pills of POMI10x. I found my sweet spot out of the worry mill.
-Samuel Rincon 61- I had surgery 4 years ago and PSA returned and rose to 5.1. I was facing Chemo,Radiation and ADT but I wanted to try PCSPES first so I hit it hard. I take 9 pills ,3 times a day and have so for 2 years now. PSA stabilized to 4.1 and Doc said we will watch and wait. I never would have thought this possible.. I am a believer.
-Dale Richmond 71- PSA is now stable at 4.2 from 15. It had gotten away from me and I found myself taking 22 supplements thinking it was the answer. I canned them all except for the PCSPES and POMI10x. Now I am stable. I do wonder which of those other supplements actually led to the rise.
- Harold Shinitsky 71- I have been in this stuff for about 10 years and it keeps my PSA steady and the wolves away. I don't even want to know where or if I would be here without it.
Don Martin 66- I've done all the ADT and Radiation a guy can take. I'm just super excited after consulting with Vince (calling him frequently) to try this new protocol. I have to tell all of you guys out there with the low numbers, It made my year to see my PSA drop from 1456 to 9 in 4 months with this Special (Natural plus medicine) PCSPES protocol. It is truly miraculous. I feel so much better and i'm moving around as I haven't in years without pain.
-Gerald Stonehocker 67- I have to admit, I was scared when I had a post surgical rise in PSA just after 5 years to 1.9. Docs had me so worried I wasn't sleeping and my family was worried. I started with 6 pills a day of PCSPES and 2 of POMI10x. My PSA seems to have stabilized to .98. I cannot express how thankful I am for these products.
-Daniel Garrett 71- My PSA had risen to 12. I started taking 3 pills a day for 2 months and I only had a one point drop. When I read on the site that I should be taking more I raised my dose to 6 pills per day and in a month PSA dropped to 6.4. You have to take enough of it.
-Norman Genova 72- I found my PSA stabilized at 5 from 18 after 4 months of 4 pills of PCSPES and 2 pills of POMI10x. MY buddy has to do 6 pills of PCSPES but his gleason is higher, but his PSA dropped from 45 to 6 in 4 months. Good Stuff.
-Roger Callender 69- I been on and off Hormone therapy for 5 years so I know about the side effects. When I was off and PSA rose to 29, I decided to give PcSPES a try. I got results taking 8 pills per day and PSA dropped to 6. I may taper off but I will keep you posted. Thank you
-George Havlin 67- 5 years ago I convinced my doctor to do radiation refusing Lupron. PSA had risen slowly to 8.1. I hit it with ^ pills of PCSPES and 2 pill of POMI10X per day and in 2 months IT has dropped to 4.5. I will keep you posted. Thank you Vin
-Dan Fowler-64 -After using PcSPES for 3 years as an adjuvant therapy with Lupron my PSA dropped to 2.1. It held for 36 months so I stopped using it but kept on the Lupron. My PSA rose to 27 after 8 months. I slammed the PcSpes 8 pills a day and 4 of the POMI10x for a month and my PSA is down again to 3.2. I know it works as an adjuvant therapy with Lupron,Firmagon,Casodex,Xtandi and a bunch of others because I have told everyone I cnan who will listen. Keep on what you are doing Vinny because you help so many.
-Rolando Francisco 71- I have to admit I was scared with a PSA that had risen to 9. After 3 months of diet and 6 pills PCSPES a day with the POMI10x. I am proud to say I walked into my doctor with a 4.6 PSA and he told me "Just keep doing what I am doing"
-Kyle Conner 65- I would have never believed it. My PSA dropped from 6.7 to 4.3 in 2 months on PCSPES 4 pills per day.
-Gerald Franklin 67- I've been taking PCSPES and POMI10x for about 9 months now and I can say I have not felt this good in 10 years. PSA is stable at 4.5 and it's keeping the doctor away. I love this stuff.
-Roger Spelman 65- MY PSA had risen to 11. I only want to do natural stuff and had tried it all. Querecitin and Curcumin . I even mega dosed them and they seemed to help but PSA rose. After 3 months of taking 8 pills per day of PCSPES and 2 pills of POMI10x and my PSA dropped 5 points. I know what works.
-Ralph Medina 76- My PSA started out at 129 and was rising. I explained to my doctor about PCSPES and he agreed to put me on 50mg of bicalutimide along with 8 pills of PCSPES a day for a month. PSA dropped to 26. After 12 months on and off of the bica my PSA has stabilized to 8 and my doc is elated. This stuff works great and I owe my life to it.
-Ron Christensen 76- My PSA had risen to 17 so the doctors panicked me. I started taking 4 PCSPES a day with 2 POMI10x. After 2 months PSA dropped to 14 so I upped my dose of the PCSPES to 8 per day. The next month it was down to 7.1. I get how it works now.
-Trevor Harrison 72- Guys I cannot convey how important it really is to take enough to get the best results. I was taking 3 pills of PCSPES per day with 2 pills of POMI10x for 4 months and my PSA only dropped 2 points from 23 to 21. I raised the dose of PCSPES to 8 pills and in a month PSA dropped to 6.2. I and my Doc is amazed.
-Ray Helman 73- I was surprised when my doctor advised me to try PCSPES and POMI10x when my PSA had risen to 7.9 from 3.5. I took 6 pills a day for 3 months with 2 pills of POMI10x and my PSA dropped to 3.9. All is well. Thank you
-Paul Wharton 76- I was able to lower my PSA from 390 to 50 in about 6 weeks with daily dose 8 pills of PCSPES and 4 pills of Pomi10x special protocol with the cooperation of my doctor. I am amazed and my doctor thinks so as well. Thank you
-Joseph Stubin 73- I will say after taking PCSPES for 5 years with POMI10x, you have to take enough of it and don't lapse on it. I have been able to lower my PSA from 13 to a stable 5.6 to 5.7 and it amazes my doctors. At 73 they say this is a normal range. I owe it to these products.
Joseph Kolo 67- I had an RP 4 years ago and in less than 4 months after the surgery my PSA had started to rise. Docs wanted to do Radiation and hit me with Hormone Therapy right away.. I was able to drop my PSA with 9 pills of PCSPES daily from .93 down to .24 and it is holding steady for almost 2 years now. Docs said this is truly phenomonal but still want to watch me closely. I am confident it will keep holding. Fabulous product.
Ralph Mondaker 78- I've had a PSA of 45 with bone mets 5 years ago and PCSPES made my response to Lupron and Zytiga be more effective. I have been able to maintain a virtually undetectable PSA for almost 4 years now and I could not have done it without PCSPES
Dennis Draker 76- My PSA was 34. They hit me with Lupron and Xtandi and the side effects were horrible. It was through the use of PCSPES 8 pills per day, was I able to extend not only the efficacy of these medicines but also take a break off of them for 6 months at aa time. Doc has monitored me for 3 years now. My PSA is stable at 3.4 and all scans show no progression. Miraculous to me considering the worry I had been facing.
Frances Golen 78- My PSA had risen to 14 and the Doc wanted to Cut, Radiate, and hit me with hormone therapy right off the bat. So I took 6 pills of PCSPES a day with 4 pills of POMI10X for 2 months. My PSA dropped to 5.8. Now the Doc says let's do another PSA in 6 months. What? I said.. Incredible.
Henry Thoronsen 67- I had been on Lupron almost 2 years, Zytiga over a year, took six cycles of Taxotere mid-2019, several radiation sites radiated as well and PSA went down to 0.95 Ng/ml while MRI shows nothing and PET scan shows suspicion in my radiated prostate--plus some new ones in a vertebrate. I added 9 pills of PCSPES per day for six months. Now Lymph nodes and mets don't show uptake at all. I asked about a ADT "Break" and the Doc said YES because PSA has dropped to .14ng
Warren Gelien 71- I hate Lupron/Eligard . The fatigue is debilitating and makes me just want to give up. Talked to my Oncologist last January, told him I want to get off the calendar (I'm on the 3 month plan) to see what happens. He said my high grade disease may take off like a rocket/. He said PSA of 1.0 would be the trigger to resume Lupron. I startted doing 8 pills of PCSPES and 2 POMI10x late January 2020. As of November I'm currently undetectable. I am hoping it holds out for a year or more like I was told.
Doug Betancourt 56- Doc said its common to see Psa rise up to 100 times in 6 months, like mine had in Sep 2018, to March 2019, from 0.45 to 40, After Xtandi and maybe effects of 4 doses of Lu177 wore off in 6 months, I had a doubling time in a month. I was diagnosed at 62 in 2012 with a Gleason 9, inoperable, and the ADT + EBRT worked for awhile. After adding 9 pills of PCSPES my dropped and doubling time has slowed down incredibly. I believe this stuff is keeping me alive.
Gary Rimes 62- I was being scared and worried when my Doc wanted to poke and biopsy me when my PSA had risen to 7.3. I started on PCSPES 2 pills and POMI10x 2 pills and in a month it dropped to 4.2. The next month it had risen to 5,3. I took PCSPES 6 pills and POMI10X 2 pills and the following month it dropped to 3.9. It was when this happened Doc said BPH not Cancer. Thank God and Vincent.
Franco Agras 76-PSA was 34. I am alive this Thanksgiving because of this protocol. 3 years ago I was told if I didn't go through Surgery, Hormone Therapy and Radiation It would get me in a year or 2. It was PCSPES that has made all my worries go away. I have been able to maintain a steady PSA around 6.1 and my Doc is watching and waiting. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this incredible discovery. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Joseph Colleti 67-I did not have orchiectomy after speaking with Vincent with a PSA of 23 Doc suggested Lupron. I started me on PCSPES 8 pills and Casodex until I go back to the oncologist for a month. PSA dropped to 4.1 and after 10 days I went down to 1.04. Oncologist was blown away. I am doing Casodex intermittently with constant PCSPES. So far it has been keeping my PSA stable for 10 months now. PCSPES works with many medicines to avoid CRPC I firmly believe.
William Frontain 62 I was diagnosed in 2012, Gleason 9, inoperable, at age 54. I have had many treatments but opted presently for intermittent Lu177 while doing PCSPES all the way, after having only one shot last year. 7 weeks ago I had FDG PET scan that did not reveal any any Pca with a steady PSA of 4.8 for three years now. Nothing short of miraculous.
Lanham Garroli 68- My story doesn't compare to some of these on this site but when my PSA had risen to 12 and I was worried. Facing Chemo, radiation, and hormone therapy I ecided to try PCSPES and POMI10x. I started with 6 pills of PCSPES per day and my PSA dropped to 10 in a month so I upped the dose to 8 pills per day. My PSA dropped to 4.5 in 3 months and has stayed ther for about 18 months now. This is an amazing product.
Harold Greensburg 72- I once had a PSA of 160 about 5 years now. I have been doing 9 pills of PCSPES with off and on Casodex (every 3 months) and have been able to maintain a steady PSA of 4.2 only to hear from my Doc "I can't make any money off you so just keep doing your thing". It is unbelievable when something works what you get from people.
Timothy Golen 73- Went to my Doc with a 13 PSA and walked right into a scare mill. Doc was wanting to biopsy me right away then go straight to ADT and radiation. I could barely breath with the scare tactics. He dared me to try and lower my PSA as he said it would be virtually impossible. I found this site and got the advice I needed. I took 8 pills of PCSPES and 4 pills of POMI 10X for 60 days. My PSA dropped to 3.7. These are truly amazing products. Thank you.
Warren F- 60 My PSA had risen from 6.5 to 15.9 in six months. Docs totally started worrying me with a biopsy to all kinds of ADT treatments and radiation. I pleaded with them to let me try PCSPES. They said ok so I proceeded to hit it hard with 9 pills of PCSPES and 4 pills of POMI10x. I am not joking but my PSA dropped to 2.9. So now they are letting me go 6 months until the next test. Thank you..
Forrest C-57 I've been living with this disease for 6 years (PSA as high as 47). I have spent some of that time on the anti-cancer diet, and some of that time eating whatever I want, and I recur just the same. I have taken all the supplements, and then decided it was a waste of money. With a genetic mutation causing my cancer, I don't think lifestyle changes really make much difference at all only PCSPES and POMI10X were able to make a difference in my situation. I take them as a win.
Bob R-67 I had done a yearly PSA only to find it had risen from 2.9 to 7.9. Doctor stated even though my DRE felt normal I needed to rush into a biopsy. I started taking 6 pills of PCSPES along with 4 pills of POMI10x. In one month I took another PSA test and it had dropped to 2.6!
Doctor said he would see me in 6 months. Thank you
James H-64 -I was told the worst of the worst I think for a first diagnosis. PSA of 29 . Gleason score of 9 . Post recurring PSA after surgery and radiation. Vincent told me what to do and how to do it along with PCSPES and Pomi10x.. 6 months later my PSA is .18
Diane Forman - My husband has a radical 6 months ago and unfortunately his PSA just went from 1.27 to 7.96. Doctor said "Sometimes the PSA rises as the cancer cells die and release it into the blood." I called Vincent and he was amazed to hear this new excuse. I started him on the PCSPES protocol and his PSA dropped to under .93 in a month. I sit here amazed. Thank you...
Roger Callard 64 - I listened and am doing 8 pills of PCSPES with 4 pills of POMI10X along with 50 mg. of CASODEX. Bicalutamide (Casodex) has been a standard hormone mono-therapy used across the European continent. The beauty of this method (blocking testosterone receptors in PCa cells) is stunning. This combination has been 100% effective keeping my cancer in remission for 4+ yrs. My free testosterone is about 350. Stop this protocol and it's party time for Big C! Keep the Testo flowing and under control! 10/22
Henry Gravely 71- I was given Lupron about 8 months and it stopped working. PSA went from 72 down to .06 then started rising to 7. As soon as I added PCSPES 8 pills per day PSA dropped down to under .12. I will keep you posted. Thank you for a wonderful product. 10/22
Gerald Freiz 68- My PSA had risen from 4.9 to 7.8 and my Doc made me worry. I bought a PCSPES/POMI10X combo pak and after just one month my PSA dropped to 4.1. I did some Color Doppler imaging like Vincent told me and Doc says it classic BPH. Whew. Great product.
Al Delmonico 72- 3 months ago I went to my urologist who did a PSA reading. It came back 49.6. It made me a nervous wreck literally facing all those horrible treatments the doc was telling me about. I stumbled on this site searching through the internet and talked to Vincent. He assured me that he knows hundreds who have faced and are facing this particular situation. I decided to try all out 9 pills per day of PCSPES and 4 pills per day of POMI10x not expecting any miracles let alone any lowering of PSA. In 2 months PSA has fallen to 20 and the doc was amazed. I will continue and let you know. After all, what are my alternatives. Well, it's surgery, local radiation, Proton Radiation, ADT Lupron, and Chemo. The doc said that would buy me maybe 2-4 years with a much lesser quality of life..
Dennis Fedrico 72- My PSA was 56. I was scared by my Urologist that I would be facing Chemo. I got on 9 pills of PCSPES 4 pills of POMI10x along qith a month of Casodex. I walked into my next doctors visit with a PSA of 6.4. Doc now says to stay on this protocol and was truly happy for me. Thank you for saving my quality of life.
Regis Goleta 56- After having my Prostate removed 3 years ago I thought my PSA would stay at ZERO forever. Well, after 7 months my PSA showed up at .54.. After a year it was .92. Doctors began to scare my into every treatment available. I found Vincent on the web and he gave me a plan. So far the plan has worked because I have been able to maintain a steady PSA at about .18. I can't thank Vincent enough along with PCSPES.
Jonas Davenport- 75- About 6 months ago I got the scare of a lifetime. My PSA had risen to 13.6 and the Urologist wanted to go straight for a biopsy then told me I most likely will have to undergo surgery, radiation, and ADT. I was sick for weeks. I stumbled on this site and ordered both products. I took 8 pills of PCSPES and 3 pills of POMI10x for 2 months. I found I could urinate better and that I didn't get up at night to do so. After 2 months my PSA dropped to 4.9. Urologist was amazed and he said let's just watch and wait. Great life changing product. 1/22/22
Bernardo Hawthorne 78- I came back from my urologist with a PSA reading of 12.6. I was told I have to act with either surgery,ADT, radiation and maybe Chemo. I was told the PSA would just keep rising and there would be progression.. For 3 months I took 9 pills of PCSPES and 4 pills of POMI10x per day. I went back to the urologist and my PSA had dropped to 5.7. He said we are just going to watch it. This stuff is amazing. 1/19/22
Frank Sanders 65- I'll admit after two years on this stuff I have had a stable PSA of about 4.8. It kept me out of the doctors office and all was well. I decided to get off PCSPES and POMI10X for two months. After I got the results of my PSA test I found it had risen to 9.7. Now I found myself back in the worry farm and my wife was in there as well. We knew the Urologist would instantly want to do something. So I hit it hard with 9 pills of PCSPES and 4 pills of POMI10X per day. After the first month of sheer worry the test came back with a PSA reading of 5.8. So the following month I did another test. This time it was back down to 4.7. I assure you I will never try this nonsense of stopping protocols again. It's simply not worth the worry. This stuff WORKS.1/15/22
Bernard Willis 79- Urologist told me with a PSA of 16 I need to have surgery, radiation and ADT. I started taking 9 pills of PCSPES and 4 pills of POMI10x for two months and my PSA dropped to 7.1. When the Urologist saw this he simply said " It's probably just BPH and let's just watch it" Me and my wife just stood there dumbfounded. Incredible product to say the least 1/12/22
George Fellen 65- I walked into my urologist with a PSA of 9.5. Doc wanted to rush me into ADT , Radiation immediately . I was mentally and physically wiped out. I decided afer talking to Vincent I would try 9 pills a day of PCSPES and 4 Pills of POMI10x . In a month my PSA dropped to 5.5. These are truly livesaving fabulous products and Vincent has the answers. Thank you for giving me hope. I will let you know how my progress. 1/4/22
Joseph Reese-85- I came with my friend in full depression at 80 years old, and my friend at 79. We both were told by the same doctor we had to undergo ADT and Radiation immediately. My PSA was 12.9 and my friends was 8.9. Our Gleasons were both 3+4. I opted to go with your PCSPES protocol and listened to you when you told me how tough Lupron would be on me as well as my friend at our ages. My friend went along with the ADT and Lupron. It's been 5 years ago and my PSA stabililized at 6.8. My new Doc says all is good. My friend unfortunately was miserable for 3 years until he passed in late 2019. My thoughts and prayers from this old guy are with you in your heart surgery recovery as I will never be able to thank you enough. 12/24/21
Gary Northrup- 66- I have to say, PCSPES has kept my PSA stable after I was able to lower it from 8 to 3.1. This has kept me from needless biopsies, threats of ADT , Radiation and all that. My Doc is on board and going with it. Thank you for such a great product.
Ron Levin 68 - I have been taking PCSPES for 5 years now and PSA has held steady dropping from 9 to stabilizing at 4.2. I had my friend doing the same and his PSA stabilized at 3.7. He hooked up with a quack Naturapathic Doc who told him to get off PCSPES as he had better solutions. Well, it wasn't 4 months that his PSA rose to 12 and he has since done 2 rounds of Lupron and his PSA is still climbing. Now he's looking at Radition and Chemo. What is wrong with society that they would pull you of a path that works and send you on a life altering bad one.
Marcus Jones 59- I made a big mistake. My PSA had risen to 10.9. I took 8 pills of PCSPES and 4 pills of POMI10x for 2 months. My PSA dropped to 6.1 ! I was elated. I decided to try and save money so I stopped taking them both. Now after about 2 months PSA is back up to 9.7. I am back on them both and won't do that ever again. It simply is not worth the worry and aggravation.
Steve Rotunni 79- I was diagnosed 15 years ago and just found my PSA went to 200. Docs want to start immediate ADT with LUPRON. I decided to give PCSPES a chance so I hit it hard with 9 pills a day. In 2 months it has dropped to 26. Still high but my Doc is amazed. I will keep you posted.AMAZING
Francisco Montez 78- My PSA had risen to 10.5 after 7 years of being at around 5.7. Docs wanted to rush me into Hormone Therapy and radiation. I've been taking * pills of PCSPES per day for over a year and my PSA has stabilized to about 4.5 and the Docs are going with it.
Kaleb Scorocco 78- My daughter found PCSPES over a year ago and I was hesitant to try it. My PSA started rising from 7 to 15 so Docs said I had to act or die soon they told me in front of my wife and family. My daughter gave me 8 PCSPES per day along with 4 POMI10x. In about a month and a half PSA dropped to 10, then in four months to 5.4. I am thankful and truly impressed. What life changing great products.
John Garrity 71- I was told by my doctor I have one of the most concerning situations. Post surgical recurring PSA with a Gleason 9. PSA had risen to 2.28 12 months after surgery. Docs said I need to jump in to ADT, Radiation and chemo. I told him I was trying something and he reluctantly said go ahead because nothing will work. I started with 9 pills of PCSPES and 4 POMI10X per day. It has been six months now and my PSA has steadied at .56. Doc is truly amazed. Thank you.
Randall Torres 49- My PSA came up at 9. Docs wanted to rush me into surgery and hormonal treatment. Being who I am stubborn, I was going to weigh out my options. I decided to try 6 pills of PCSPES and 2 pills of POMI10x for a couple months and test. "BINGO" PSA dropped to 4.1 and now the Doc says let's check it in 6 months. OK by me..Great product.
Leroy Garrick 64- PSA had risen in 3 months to 9. docs wanted to rush me into surgery, radiation and possible chemo. Three years now stable PSA of 2.7 . Nothing short of miraculous. PCSPES is incredible.
Thomas Denton 67- I stopped taking PCSPES for a couple of months just to see what would happen. It turned out to be a dumb thing to do. My PSA rose from 2.7 to 7.5. After getting back on the protocol of 6 pills of PCSPES and two pills of POMI10x per day, my PSA dropped back down to 2.5. I won't try that again. 3/6/21
Gary Theodore 71 . I've had 5 chemo (Paclitaxel along with Carboplatin) so far and my PSA as gone from 60 to 1100 and with chemo went down t0 250. Doc said it probably won't go any lower because seems the PSA stabilize around 250. I got on Erleada for just 15 days and the PSA went from 250 to 1000 again. I got on 8 pills of PCSPES and 4 pills of POMI10x for a month and it's dropped to 245 whatever that means. Doc is truly amazed. I will let you all know.
Ben Delgado 59- I have fighting Prostate Cancer for about 15 years. Then after being frightened by the Doctors I became castration resistant, I did Lupron, Firmagon, and Apalutamide about 18 months ago. My PSA had risen to 33.4 in 10 months. I started on the PCSPES protocol and after 5 months, I saw my Oncologist last week and my PSA is holding at 3.9 thanks to 8 pills of PCSPES and 4 of POMI10X per day so far for 3 months testing each month .
Dee Kennedy 65- I was told I am castration-resistant - My PSA rose from 6.5 to 19.1 .My 6-month Lupron shot was still active.. If a bone scan/CT still shows you are non-metastatic, I will qualify for more Lupron, or Fimagon Abiterone,Nubeqa, Erleada. If I have metastases,I will qualify for Taxotere, Zytiga or Xtandi. I decided to try 8 pills of PCSPES with 4 pills of POMI10X for 3 months. PSA is now 7.4. Incredible. 9/10/20
Joseph Gallardi 76- My doctor says not to worry as he tells me I need a new bone scan and CT. On a mathematical level, my PSA increased 50%, one can infer a 6 month doubling time. My PSA had risen to 12 from 6. I was worried. I decided to take 6 PCEPES and 2 POMI10x for a couple months to see what would happen. My PSA dropped to 6 and then to 4. Doc said let's watch and see. GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME! BTW Bone scan was clean. 9/10/20
George Stephapoulos 59- I had my prostate removed a year ago and my PSA had risen to 1.2. Docs wanted to rush me into radiation and hormone therapy and told me I was in trouble. After 2 months of 8 pills per day of PCSPES and 4 pills of POMI10x my PSA came back at .043. My Docs were knocked off their chairs and literally asked to get a hold of Vincent. It's REAL.
Eddie Franklin 71- I was Diagnosed with PC in 2015. DaVinci surgery to remove prostate. Gleason 4+4, negative margins, but had extra capsular extension. Slowly rising ultrasensitive PSA for past 4 years, starting at 0.05 and then 46. Doctors recommend IMRT along with ADT Lupron which stopped working after 16 months. After lots of research, Docs said do transdermal estrogen to mitigate some of the side effects of Lupron. Current results from the PATCH had me convinced it is a better way to go. I know it is not standard in the USA. It didn't do anything for me for 3 months until I threw in 8 pills a day of PCSPES. PSA dropped and is holding under 1.5. Nobody listens to me so I hope you do. 8/20/20
Michael Harris 56- I was told by my Doc that Firmagon and Lupron give about the same results for most men so pick one. Firmagon and Casodex is sometimes given as a "starter" because it doesn't cause an initial testosterone flare-up the way Lupron does. If the convenience of the 1, 3-, or 6-month Lupron injection is not a benefit for you, you can ask your MO to stick with Firmagon. . Orchiectomy is worth considering too he said. Yeah, remove my nuts. My PSA was 28 so I decided to do 6 pills of PCSPES with 4 pills of POMI10x just to see if there would be any drop. My PSA dropped to 10 in a month. It is holding at 4.5 for 8 months now. I'm a believer. 8/16/20
-Harold Goldstein 76- Just got back from my Urologist who just chewed my ass for not following his suggestion for Surgery, Lupron and Chemo. I've been doing PCSPES for 6 years now and my PSA has been stable at 4.2-4.6 . I have avoided losing my quality of life and have proved to him that this stuff works. Yet , he still continues to be upset that I didn't help him make his business prosperous. 8/3/20
-Paul Vrelans 67-PSA was 89 now stable at 4.1. It is my understanding is that, yes, it is not uncommon for PSA to drop back to the level it had before taking a break from ADT. I've known men who experience this for up to about three to four ADT breaks. Unfortunately, for most men, it eventually comes to an end I was told 7 years ago. Intermittent ADT with constant PCSPES (8 pills per day) seemed to indicate that the duration of ADT response was equal to that of continuous ADT without castration resistence for years now. I have been told I have done the impossible. 7/14/20.
-Vance Fontaine 65- I was so frustrated battling to get my PSA of 45 down after developing resistence to the drugs. It seemed like nothing was ever going to work. Vinny told me to take a "Drug Vacation" I talked to my Onco and he said let's do it. I kept taking PCSPES 8 pills a day and after 6 months PSA did not rise much (about 10%). I really believe PCSPES is holding it all at bay. It truly is incredible. Bear in my I am talking Lupron, Dox, and Xtandi. 7/6/20
-Francis Alderon 76- I did Xtandi and was hoping for the cure. I had some durable remission maybe 5 months and plan to rechallenge after chemo or immunotherapy. I tried three months of 8 pills per day and my PSA dropped 50%. Docs say to just keep doing what i'm doing. 7/5/20
-Jerry Hanley 67- I stopped Lupron January 2019. I April 2019 my PSA was 0.19 and T < 20. On November 2019 my PSA has increased to 5.9 and T is 135. Bone scan is clear, CT shows all pelvic and abdominal lymph nodes avid in PET/CT scan are normal size. I started with 9 pills of PCSPES 3 times per day and for about 6 months PSA is holding steady at .97 6/10/20
-Warren Grizinski 68-• Prostate Surgery May 2016,(PSA was 16.6) - last PSA – 0.48 (03/18) - PSADT 4.6 months•Time to recurrence – 1.10 @ 9 mths; 2.2 @14 mths•Pathological Gleason score – 4+3 (7)+T5 •Stage: p2Tc – PNI - (clear margins, SV, lymph nodes) After 6 months 8 pills of PCSPES per day and 4 pills of POMI10X , PSA is holding at .89 for 5 months now. No Lupron. Truly amazing 6/9/20
-Thomas Delano 68-After being diagnosed with metastatic PC about 3 years ago, my 70 year old brother Ed passed away in a hospice house on Memorial Day. He tried everything, but nothing seemed to deter this prostate cancer! While he didn’t follow this website, I would often tell him of my protocol of 8 PCSPES and 4 POMI10x per day or procedures I had read about on this site, trying to offer him hope amidst a dire prognosis. Fortunately, he never suffered from the side effects of his chemo, but he never really got any substantial improvement from any of his treatments either. After stopping his last infusions, he deteriorated rapidly, suffering from extreme pain, confusion, incontinence, weakness and falls. His quality of life was nill. But my brother was the eternal optimist and comic but a cynic of natural therapies like PCSPES. I believe his stage 4 diagnosis could have been avoided and prolonged as it has done for me. My PSA went from 12.9 and is holding at 3.8. 6/04/20
-Rene Aldronetti 65-My urologist told me this. And he was pissed “ I can’t make any money off of you “ because I was beyond surgery and into CRPC ..He was giddy a year later when I told him I may let him remove my testicles . Thought I could throw him a bone .. some docs show no compassion ....The problem is that some of us mere mortals put so much weight to every word spoken by our doctors.. I was able to lower my PSA from 38 to 4.5 now for 2 years using PCSPES and POMI10x. I take everything my doc tells me with a grain of salt now. 6/02/20
-Warren Cerullo -67-Diagnosed March 2018 PSA 29 Gleason 9 , cancer escaped the capsule so no surgery for me .PET/CT PSMA found no/bone mets but several enlarged pelvic lymph nodes were found.As such, I was declared with locally advanced cancer high risk (due to the high Gleason).I was given the option to choose between chemotherapy and Abiraterone. I spoke to Vincent and my doctor agreed to do a three month shot of Lupron with 8 PCSPES per day. PSA levels during treatment: March 2018 29- April 2018 24-June 2018 3.48-August 2018 0.19-December 2018 0.13-April 2019 0.14-June 2019 less than 0.05 and now holding at .04 May 2020.
-Martin Gavlechek 58- June 2017: PSA 14, diagnosed with PCa via biopsy, Gleason 8. No symptoms. DRE and MRI indicated right side EPE. CT and bone scans did not indicate other involvement. November 2017: had robotic laparoscopic prostatectomy Nerve-sparing surgery on left side. Wide margin on right side but still had one 1 mm positive margin on right side. Confirmed Gleason 8. 15 lymph nodes removed - no PCa. Post-surgery PSA levels had risen to1.56 in 6 months. I have been taking 8 PCSPES and 2 POMI10x and PSA has lowered and stabilized to .67 for about 8 months now. 5/13/20
As a healthcare provider and advocate, I have much to be grateful for, and I remain committed to preserving my life and the lives of others. I offer my support to fellow prostate cancer sufferers, free of charge, potentially saving them thousands in doctor visits and countless hours of anxiety. If you have any suggestions or wish to reach out, please feel free to contact me at pcspes@aol.com.
I am an inventor with 38 U.S. patents, a former world archery champion, and I led a successful, "bulletproof" life—until my cancer diagnosis. However, I have found nothing more rewarding than helping others navigate this disease. I feel great today, and I am proud to share my story with you.
My journey began 14 years ago when my PSA levels were rising, eventually reaching 48. Two leading specialists advised that my prostate cancer was inoperable and diffusely spread. Surgery, they said, would likely have only extended my life by 18 months. However, through a combination of traditional treatments and my own protocol, I have been able to lower my PSA and maintain healthy levels for over 13 years. I’ve also regained and maintained normal urinary and sexual function—an achievement I am proud of.
From 2012 onwards, my approach has significantly improved and extended thousands of lives, including my own. I will continue to dedicate myself to helping others with the knowledge and strength I have gained through years of listening to and supporting men like you. Stay strong, my brothers. Together, we can manage this disease.
I’d like to give a special thanks to Dr. Samadi for his input in the YouTube videos I’ve posted. I encourage you to take a look. In addition to PC-SPES, I’ve been using POMI 10x supplements, which I believe have complemented my protocol and improved my well-being. I’m always learning from the doctors and patients I speak with, and I invite you to ask me about what I’ve discovered that works—and what doesn’t.
I’ve talked to many men who have undergone unnecessary radical treatments, TURPs, seed implants, or multiple rounds of ADT, often with poor outcomes. It is distressing to see patients rely solely on one doctor’s opinion. I urge you to explore all your options, as I have, and to educate yourself. This journey can be overwhelming if you don’t.
I also advise avoiding certain prostate cancer forums, as they are often filled with negativity and hopelessness. I’ve had the sad experience of hearing from the families of those who gave up and lost the battle. My heart goes out to them, but their story won’t be mine, and it doesn’t have to be yours.
From my own experience, I’ve come to realize that many people don’t believe you can get better or survive prostate cancer. But that simply isn’t true. It is those without faith or proper education who often succumb to the disease. I refuse to be one of them, and I won’t let anyone I educate become one either.
Stay strong, stay informed, and know that together, we can control this.
Please be advised that most dietary supplements are not evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary and are contingent upon adherence to the recommended protocols, starting health status, personal goals, and the level of effort applied. To achieve optimal results, regular exercise and a proper diet are essential, as is strict adherence to dosage instructions.
The testimonials presented on this website may involve individuals who used more than one supplement or in conjunction with prescribed medications, as I personally do, in order to achieve the best possible outcomes. If you have any doubts or concerns regarding any information provided, you are strongly encouraged to consult a qualified healthcare professional before making any purchasing decisions.
The content on this website is provided strictly for informational purposes to assist others. It is not intended to diagnose any medical condition, substitute for the advice of a healthcare professional, or offer medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I am simply sharing my personal experiences and those of others to educate and empower you to make informed decisions about maintaining your quality of life.